House Passes Democrat Liberal Moonbat's $819 Billion Economic Stimulus Plan

I’m very glad to see the the Loyal Opposition doing it’s job, for a change!

With no Republican support, the House approved an $819 billion stimulus plan that will serve as the cornerstone of President Obama’s efforts to resuscitate the economy, an early victory for the new president but still a disappointment because of the lack of Republican votes.

The measure passed 244 to 188, with 11 Democrats and 177 Republicans voting against it.

The two-year economic package includes $275 billion in tax cuts and more than $550 billion in domestic spending on roads and bridges, alternative-energy development, health-care technology, unemployment assistance, and aid to states and local governments. It would also provide up to $500 per year in tax relief for most workers and more than $300 billion in aid to states for funding to help rebuild schools, provide health-care to the poor and reconstruct highways and bridges.

via House Passes $819 Billion Economic Stimulus –

For the Video, Go Here, Embedded videos won’t load, from WaPo, Liberal Programmers are such idiots.

I guess President Obama was not able to convince the Republicans to get in line. So much for that Obama and Change line. I’m all for helping economy, but this damn thing is nothing more than a big waste. I mean, what in this is going to put ME back to work? None of it! I mean, because we all know that all the contracts for the road work is going to go to all MINORITY workers. Seeing the Democrats want to avoid the “White Construction workers“.

So, yeah, like Michelle said, this is all your crap sandwich Communist Liberals; YOU CAN EAT IT!

What idiots, we got an empty suit communist running the White House and communists running the damn Congress and Senate. McCarthy would be rolling over in his grave. 🙄