From the "Yeah Right, Uh-huh….Sure!" Stack

You believe this and I got land in Texas to sell you, cheap!

Paris Hilton says she sometimes acts dumb on television to get laughs, but in real life she’s “a strong person” who’s been through a lot.

Appearing on the British morning show GMTV to launch her new reality show Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend, Hilton, 27, said she cultivated her dumb blonde image for her hit FOX reality show The Simple Life, costarring Nicole Richie, and it became her schtick.

“For five seasons I was stuck doing this character,” she says. “It was kind of hard always having to play that character when it’s not who I am.”

She adds, “I just say jokes but they think I’m serious, which I think is funny, and I think I kind of play up the image sometimes because – whatever – it’s just entertainment.

via Paris Hilton Insists She’s Not Stupid –

Uh-huh… Right! Sure! ….and my farts smell like roses too! 🙄 😛 😀

(via HotAir headlines)