Harpy Liberal Bitch responds to being schooled by Dick Armey

I wrote about this yesterday. This stupid harpy liberal twat, got her idiotic ass handed to her on Chris Matthew’s hardball yesterday. So, now she writes a rather lame,self-absorbed article on her Blog:

The most charitable explanation I can come up with for former GOP Rep. Dick Armey’s wild retro outburst at me on Wednesday’s “Hardball” is that he knows I’m a huge “Mad Men” fan, and wanted to throw me back into the sad straitened sex roles of the early 1960s, but without the afternoon cocktails or Joan Holloway’s hot dresses.

Apparently I’ve been lucky. I’ve never before had a man try to win an argument – public or private – by saying “I am so damn glad that you could never be my wife,” as Armey famously did, when he ran out of arguments about President Obama’s recovery bill. But I should have known that the guy best known for calling Barney Frank “Barney Fag” would throw me a strange curveball. As far as I can tell, it flew around and hit Armey in the face. Just like the Rush Limbaugh insults we were supposed to be debating, it showed the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the right wing political project in 2009. Judging from my email and blogosphere reaction, Armey’s attack on me was as effective as the House Republicans voting unanimously against the stimulus bill that passed the House overwhelmingly without them. (Glenn Greenwald links Armey’s crazy assault with his impotent former House minions’ latest moves very well, here.)

Like Barack Obama, I want to be magnanimous, mostly. A lot of people have asked why I wasn’t meaner in my comeback to Armey. Mainly, I felt sorry for him; he’d clearly run out of arguments, and he wasn’t raised to know how to argue with female opponents as well as male. The thing is, for guys of Armey’s generation and backward political views, once you’ve rigged the world so that women and non-white people can’t compete with you on equal terms, life is easy: You’re always up against a bunch of white guys you’ve grown up with, and you know how to win. When late in life the game changes, and you find yourself having to argue with a whole new cadre of smart, opinionated women, black people, Latinos, Asians, gays, well, it’s gotta suck.

via Battling Dick Armey –  Salon.com.

I humbly submit, that the above is living proof of why Women, especially Liberal women, should be seen and not heard.

The truth is Dick Armey made a very valid point that this so called “Stimulus Package” is not going to work, at least, not right away; and because she could not concede this point, she resorted to acting like some uppity harpy. When backed into a corner by an obviously more intelligent debating opponent, Walsh does what most moronic liberals do; she plays the race and gender card. Which is just so typical of the identity and gender Nazi Liberal Democrats.

The way I see it, if Walsh cannot handle the heat, she ought to stay the hell out of the kitchen. Well, in her case, she should stay IN the kitchen and leave the politics to the adults, or preferably the men folk.   Hey, politics is a contact sport, change your Kotex and quit your damn bitching; better yet, just stay home.