Pajamas Media goes the way of the 8-Track

This just sucks wet socks.

Via Jeff G. over at Protein Wisdom:

Dear Jeff,

As you know, last September Pajamas Media began a new initiative in Internet television called Pajamas TV. When we started with our RNC coverage from Minneapolis, we noted that we would be in a Beta Phase through the first quarter of 2009. In the last few months we have strengthened the PJTV lineup with shows covering Media Bias, Education Bias, Middle East Update, Sharia and Jihad, Powerline Report, Ask Dr. Helen, Hugh News, Poliwood, Conservatism 2.0, Economy and Finance, National Security, and others.

As the end of the first quarter approaches and we near the production phase of Pajamas TV, we will continue to build our emphasis in this area. As a result we have decided to wind down the Pajamas Media Blogger and advertising network effective March 31, 2009. The PJM portal and the XPressBlogs will continue as is.

Since our ad relationship continues for the time being, you should note that in order to be paid for the 1st quarter of 2009, you must leave the current Pajamas ads up until 12:01AM April 1. We will be sending you information in mid-March on removing the ads. As of April 1, 2009, you will be free to arrange syndication or re-sale deals.

We thank you very much for participating during the formative years of Pajamas Media and we look forward to working with you in other ways. One of those is, of course, Pajamas TV. If you have any ideas in that regard, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our best wishes in the new year and again our deepest gratitude for your participation in Pajamas Media.


Roger L. Simon

CEO, Pajamas Media

Jeff is not too amused, neither are many other Bloggers who were using this service as a source of income. I asked about it, they never responded, what I did not know, is the fact that you had to sign a idiotic contract saying that you would only use them for an ad service.  Which I happen to think is extremely stupid. Why limit your customers income?  That is quite retarded if you ask me.

Exclusivity has a downside, I hate to say it, but BlogAds is doing the same thing, you have to be invited on to use it, and in this economic downturn, elitism is not an opinion, you either have to expand your income potential or you will dry up rather quickly.  Not only this, but quite frankly, the Political winds have shifted, big time. Thanks to the beedy-eyed idiot that just want back to Texas, Conservatism has lost its appeal. This is what happens when you base a business model on a political trend. This is why all those souvenir shops in Crawford, Texas, went belly up after the Iraq War turned ugly.

So, while I feel bad for all these people that have lost an income source, I cannot honestly say that I am surprised.

Update: The Gun Toting Liberal offers up a very well written piece on this subject.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Atlas Shrugs, Althouse, The Other McCain, American Power, PoliGazette, Right Wing Nut House, Tools of Renewal, Hot Air, TigerHawk, Instapundit, The Strata-Sphere, Balloon Juice, Culture11, Vox Popoli and The Jawa Report and more Via Memeorandum