The Simulus and the Republicans

An interesting question to be asked.

Will the Republicans opt to do this, given the gravity of the recession? They are in no mind to allow the bill to go through without substantial changes. The Senate Republicans, just like the House ones, believe that the stimulus bill is something of a Trojan horse. While no one disputes that a big fiscal punch is needed, many items in the current plan (which has been hastily thrown together) will take too long to deliver; at least a third of the House’s $819 billion package will not have been spent 19 months from now, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office.

The Republicans prefer tax cuts, which have the advantage of delivering their punch almost instantly. The problem is that in tough times like these, people are likely to save rather than spend their tax gains especially if—as in this case—the cuts are strictly temporary. Extra saving does nothing to boost demand in an economy that is suffering from a shortage of it. Republicans also object to some of the protectionist “Buy American” provisions attached to some of the money, and to inanities such as a $200m plan to returf the Mall in Washington, DC, (this last has now been removed from the House bill).

A party with a majority can usually pass whatever it likes in the House, but the same is not true in the Senate. Debates in the Senate are not rigidly time-limited as they are in the House, and in order to end discussion and move to a substantive vote, a motion of “clôture”, or closure, has to pass. The snag is that 60 votes are needed to pass such a motion; and the Democrats have only 58 senators. In theory, if the Republicans hang firm—and they held absolutely firm in the House—they could prevent the stimulus bill from ever being put to a full vote.

BARACK OBAMA’S gargantuan stimulus bill moves to the Senate on Monday February 2nd, after passing through the House of Representatives without a single Republican vote in favour. That means that it is in trouble.

via How Senate Republicans will respond to the stimulus bill | Stimulus and the Senate | The Economist.

Hopefully, the Senate Republicans will strip out all of the special interest pork that is within that bill and will pass a bill that will help the economy. Instead of further the socialist agenda of the far left.  But I do not look for any huge sweeping changes. As Michelle Malkin has reported, the Republicans want to play Democrat-lite and go along with Obama’s plans. Wonderful. So much for the loyal opposition guys. 🙄

How about just letting the economy run it’s course and taking the Government’s hands off of it? Instead, they want to play communist-lite and prop up everyone. Yeah, it will work, until China cuts us off, as well as the other Nation’s that are buying our debt.

Sometimes, I really think that the psychos are running the “nuthouse” in Washington D.C. 😮