Video: Excuse Me, Mr. President

Looks like not all Liberals are enthralled with the New Liberal President….

This comes via After Downing Street:

To be clear, I don’t agree with him on Afghanistan. But on the Iraq War, I do, 100 percent. As for the Bush Administration, as much as I hate to say it;  Obama will not do what this man and the far left wants, he just cannot risk the political capital on a crimes tribunal.

But it does give voice to those who are of this mindset. Furthermore, if this is the growing consensus amongst the far left and also amongst independents, who did elect him, Obama will be a one term President. Of course, if this Economic Stimulus fails, Obama will be a one term President. Because the American people are not too happy about all this money being spent. Also, Congress will pay as well. Michelle Malkin is right , the Democrats always overreach and when they do, disaster happens. Then the tide turns and the other party gets in and the same cycle repeats. Been this way since the two party system started and will be this way, until a Switzerland style of Government is implemented here. Which will never happen, too many money bags controlling the strings.

(H/T Freedom’s Phoenix)