D'oh! Obama Says "Stimulus Bill will let Caterpillar rehire people"; Caterpillar Says, No, it won't

A rather snort worthy blurb!

President Obama today repeated the claim we asked about yesterday at the press briefing that Jim Owens, the CEO of Caterpillar, Inc., “said that if Congress passes our plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off.”

Caterpillar announced 22,000 layoffs last month.

But after the president left the event, Owens said the exact opposite.

Asked if the stimulus package would be able to stop the 22,000 layoffs or not, Owens said, “I think realistically no. The truth is we’re going to have more layoffs before we start hiring again”

“It is going to take some time before that stimulus bill” means re-hiring, he said.

via Political Punch: D’oh! Caterpillar CEO Contradicts President on Whether Stimulus Will Allow Him to Re-Hire Laid Off Workers.

You’d think Obama would learn them supporters to stick to the script!

HotAir.com’s AllahPundit Snarks:

Exit question: How soon before Tapper gets kicked off Air Force One?

Ha! That’s just too funny. 😆

I do believe however that many people in America are thinking, “How long until President Obama get’s his shit together?”

It’s a very valid question.

Others:RedState and Stop The ACLU