Stay Classy William Teach AKA Porter Good

First off, as a rule, I do not get myself involved with what other people write on their Blogs. I believe in freedom of speech, Freedom of Expression and so forth.

However, this morning, I happen to come across something that caught my eye. If you’re following the headlines, there is a woman who’s a columnist at the Tennessean. Her name is Gail Kerr. She wrote a piece on some Tennessee lawmakers who are pursuing the Obama birth certificate issue.

Now let me say from the outset that I respect her opinions; I do not agree with them, at all. However, I happen to read a blog reaction to what she had written over at pirate’s cove, which is owned by a one William Teach, who’s real name is Porter Good.  As I suspected, it was of the usual Conservative affair, criticize the piece and take gentle pokes at the author. However, there was a small bit in this piece that I found to be most offensive and I thought I would blog about it, and possibly inform Mr. Teach, that there are others out there that read his Blog. The offending part is underlined:

After eight years of the Left accusing Bush of everything that they don’t blame on anthropogenic global warming, and sometimes they blame both, with little to no proof, lefties, still riding high on hopeNchange, and probably the fumes from their black velvet Obama paintings, just do not like it when anyone asks for simple proof of Obama’s citizenship. Witness barking moonbat, and member of The Tennessean, Gail Kerr take on the subject of Barry’s birth certificate (and, hopefully, Jenny Craig)

The picture of the Woman in question:

Mr. Teach, let me remind you sir, that there are people in this world, who are not of perfect physical condition. As someone who is overweight and has struggled with weight gain for my entire life. I found your crass, asinine, dig towards this woman’s weight to be totally uncalled for, over the top and quite frankly immature, and most unbecoming of a Conservative Blogger. While I wholeheartely agree with you on your assessment of B. Hussein Obama, I do not believe that the personal insult of this woman’s Physical appearance was even remotely needed in the context of this discussion.

While I realize that a Blogger of any sort of integrity would ‘Man Up” and apologize, I do not expect this of teach at all. As I have observed, he has spent the good part of his Blogger career, cheerleading for George W. Bush and kissing the ass of the Podhoretz clan; so, one can only expect so much.

Update: Porter Good posts in the comments section says, verifying his true depraved nature:

And, yeah, I defended W when he deserved it, and attacked him when he deserved that, particularly on illegal immigration. As far as the Podhertz crack, that sounds vaguely anti-semetic on your part. Are you a Jew hater? Sounds like you owe me an apology. Oh, I misread your intent? Goodness!

It’s quite funny, when confronted with the truth, Neo-Con’s resort to playing the race card. Just like their Democrat counterparts. (There are those who would say that Democrats and Neo-Cons are one in the same, but that’s out of the scope of this discussion…) Identity Politics is such a tragic thing, on the left….. and the Right.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, At-Largely,  and The Mahablog