A very valid point

I must say that I agree with this:

Our new Attorney General, Eric Holder, says that America is a “nation of cowards” when it comes to race relations. The race-baiting cabinet official made his remarks yesterday in honor of Black History Month. Apparently being the first black attorney general serving under the first black president isn’t indicative of progress according to Holder. Listening to him, you’d think that Jim Crow had just ended with Obama’s election.

Holder’s insulting remarks were no doubt aimed at white Americans, particularly those who didn’t vote for Obama. That’s why Holder dragged out the tired rhetoric about “the need to confront our racial past and to understand our racial present.” It’s the same white-guilt lecturing we’ve always heard before. Yet what makes this event noteworthy is the fact that a sitting attorney general is saying this nonsense, implying that he’ll be incorporating this racialism into public policy at the Justice Department.

In their never-ending work to preserve victimhood for racial minorities, the Left will now have the perfect spokesman to help with that task. No, the real cowards are self-righteous liberals like Holder who build themselves up by tearing down Middle America for cheap political gain. If the fires of racism still exist in America (and they do), then it’s only because people like Holder keep stoking the embers. His political career depends upon it.

via Holder’s Racialist Lecturing | Conservative Heritage Times.

The only thing that I can really add to this is, that the Liberal African-American Community, led by the leadership within the Democratic Party wants to use racism as a false flag, to limit dissent and freedom of speech towards those, who disagree with their Race Baiting and more broadly disagree with their socialist agenda.

Which is just about as bad as the Identity Politics on the far right, amongst the Republicans. When it comes to the Jewish Community. What I am trying to say is, that I have nothing against the Jewish people, at all. But I refuse to be held responsible for what happened to the Jews in Germany.  This is Identity Politics and the pushing of the “White Guilt” mentality. Again, let me be clear, I have zero against Jews, Israel, or their right to exist. But, I will not “Kiss up” to them at all. Neither will I do this to the African-American Community. I did not put them in chains, and I will not feel a bit of guilt for what happened to them 300 years ago. Because I did not have anything to do with it.

The problem with what I just wrote above is, that when a “Zionist” or a Race Baiting Liberals reads what I wrote; the first thing they will do is, play the race card. Which garners them support and paints the person that says these things, as Nazi’s and Hatemongers, and it’s bullshit. Because I do not hate. I just will not made to feel guilty for something that I did not have a part in; Period.

Race baiting and White Guilt is insane and Anti-American as hell.