The Extremely Painful Obligatory Ann Coulter does Larry King Live clip

Honestly? I’d rather have a damn root canal than listen to these two harpies demagogue their positions. Doh But! It’s a slow news night and I’m basically trying to pull content out of my wazoo…  Surprise So, Here you go:

To me, it is the political equivalent of, “I’m prettier!”, “No, I’m prettier!” and about that time, I walk on set and say, “No, both of you are damn ugly…”  Rolling on the floorHee heeWinkingBig Grin Also, it just starts sounding like cats in a blender, after a while. Not listeningChatterboxAt wits end

As always, a very big hat tip to my friend, (at least I consider him to be my friend, he might have thoughts otherwise! Surprise) AllahPundit over at Neo-Con Central, for always finding the cool stuff, before I do, Waiting and for not removing my trackbacks. Hee heeWinking