D'oh! – Idiot Mayor sends rather stupid e-mail

This is just freakin’ STOOOPID! (not, not Stupid, but STOOOPID!)

The mayor has sent an apology for an e-mail sent to a local businesswoman and community volunteer that she says is racist and offensive.

Keyanus Price, an African American, said she was appalled when she received an e-mail from Mayor Dean Grose’s personal account that showed a picture of the White House with a watermelon patch imposed as the White House garden.

“I was horrified when I read that e-mail,” Price said. “What I’m concerned about is how can this person send an e-mail out like this and think it is OK?”

Being a public official, Price said, made the matter worse.

“He’s putting the city into a bad place, and he is a liability,” Price wrote in an e-mail.

Grose sent an e-mail apology to Price, her boss and the City Council saying he did not intend to be offensive. He also called and left Price a message, he said.

“It was just poor judgment on my part, and I am deeply sorry,” he said. “It wasn’t meant to hurt her.”

via Mayor is criticized for White House watermelon patch e-mail | News – OCRegister.com.

The Picture in question?

Like I said, STOOOOPID!

Seriously… Why the hell would ANYONE in a public office send out an idiotic e-mail with a picture like that to anyone? ‘Cause they STOOOOPID, that’s why! (If you’ll forgive my inner ghetto for coming out… :D)

I know I’ve been accused of not being the brightest bulb in the box, sharpest knife in the drawer, ect… But I even know not to do dumb stuff like that. I mean, I’ve done my share of dumb stuff in my day, but this takes the Duncan Hines to whole new level.

Good Lord! 🙄