The ACLU does a good thing for a change.

Normally, I would be ripping this organization a new one. However, for a change, the ACLU is taking up a rather good cause here:

A fight over a fish mural has landed in federal court.

The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the city of Clearwater on behalf of a local bait and tackle shop that has been embroiled in a months-long standoff with the city government over a mural painted on the side of its building.

City officials say the painting, which depicts a half-dozen game fish such as grouper and snook, amounts to an unauthorized sign under Clearwater’s laws. They have fined the business nearly $700 and have ordered it to paint over the mural or face steeper fines.

But the ACLU’s federal lawsuit, filed Tuesday, accuses the city of trampling on the First Amendment rights of the Complete Angler, a fishing emporium on Fort Harrison Avenue just north of downtown Clearwater.

The store’s owner, Herb Quintero, argues that the mural is art, not a sign. Last month, in response to the city’s order to remove the painting, he instead covered it with a banner displaying the text of the First Amendment. The store recently was cited again.

“Only in Florida could a business owner be targeted and fined for displaying artwork, and then in protest of the fine, display the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — and then be ticketed for that,” said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida.

via ACLU sues city of Clearwater over tackle shop’s fish mural – St. Petersburg Times.

Any other time, I would be giving this group royal sand; for their communist roots and so forth, but this time, it seems that ACLU is taking up a very good cause. (For a change….) (Hope and Change?!?!? Hrmmmm….) Florida, I am told, is infamous for their overreaching Government.

Maybe it is a image make over, Maybe it is a plot to make Conservatives, like me, speak favorable about them, so that they can implement their communist agenda through B. Hussein Obama. Now, where’s my tinfoil hat?!?!?!?!? 😉 😛 😀

Update: Reader Dru Jeanis reports that there is a website for the shop and supporting of the shop, it is located here.