Memo to Michelle Singletary: FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!

Yeah, I said that in the headline of this entry. Damned proud of it too.

This idiotic bitch is un-fucking-believable.

She writes in here sniveling little opinion piece at The Washington Post:

In his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Obama declared that he was going to “speak frankly and directly.”

That’s what I want to do as well. I want to speak frankly and directly to the many people who have written to me complaining that they aren’t directly benefiting from the federal government’s efforts to resuscitate our gasping economy.

The sniveling sentiments of these people come down to one question: “What about me?”

“How come only those who spend irresponsibly get bailed out?” a reader asked. “As a person who thinks before he spends, I have a lot to be frustrated about these days.”

Another reader from Indiana wrote: “Frankly, I’m infuriated. I don’t make a ton of money, but I live within my means. I purchased my home eight years ago and just paid my mortgage off this past November. It’s extremely frustrating to see us bailing out people who made foolish decisions while many others meet the obligations they agreed to.”

I’m a big proponent of personal responsibility. I preach it in this column, in my home, in the community, at my church and to anyone else who will stand still long enough.

We know that a lot — although not all — of the people in trouble in this economy made bad choices that ended up costing them their homes. A lot of people didn’t save when times were good. A lot of people didn’t do a lot of things they should have done that would have allowed them to better withstand this wretched downturn.

“We have lived through an era where, too often, short-term gains were prized over long-term prosperity,” Obama said.

I understand that people who did the right thing are frustrated. They saved. They scrimped. They crunched the numbers and bought homes they could afford long term.

I understand their need to have someone pat them on the back.

So consider this your pat.

Translation? If you were responsible, tough shit; Nobody cares!

She continues on:

If you’re susceptible to WAM Syndrome, the cure is to be thankful for what you have and to have compassion for those who are hurting. Think of all the personal agony or broken marriages or stress that accompanies the threat of foreclosure.

Obama called on us all to make the concerns of others our cause.

“If you haven’t been personally affected by this recession, you probably know someone who has — a friend, a neighbor, a member of your family,” Obama said during his speech.

Okay, so you’re not getting bailed out. But the reward for doing right when others didn’t is that you’re living better than they are. So stop whining.

Translation? The President is black and if you don’t like what he is doing, which is giving bailouts to those fucking idiot morons who bought houses that they could not afford; you are most likely a racist.

Two Words, you stupid asshole black BITCH piece of shit…..:


…and fuck your Black asshole President too! He’s not my President, until he releases his ORIGINAL Birth Certificate and not some damned forgery copy. Obama is NOT my President at all. Period. 😡

Whining…. Whining she calls it. It’s called defending the responsible, you idiot assed piece of liberal Black SHIT! 😡

Others: and Cafe Hayek