T. Boone Pickens does The View

You know, it is no secret that I have a link in my “Friends” sidebar to T. Boone Pickens Website, called PickensPlan.  Unlike some of my Neo-Conservative counterparts, I believe that we really have to stop our dependence on foreign oil. I believe that T. Boone Pickens brings one of many alternatives for fossil fuels to the table.  Many have bad mouthed him for his activies in the 2004 election.  I just don’t agree with that. The man see’s the need and he is stepping up, which is more than I can say for some.

Here’s his adventure to “The View”:

When your done, head on over, sign up on PickensPlan Website and drop a couple bucks in his donation kettle. When your done, come back and drop a couple bucks in mine! 😉 😀 😛