Can't we all just get along people?

Man, I’ll tell you, no wonder the Conservative movement is in tatters.  Looks like two Paleo Con’s are at it. Some guy named Evan McLaren and John Stacy McCain are at it.

I guess from what I’ve read here, I guess Evan wrote a rather dismissive piece about CPAC. Well, McCain; I guess, was a bit peeved about what was said, and proceeded to rip the kid to pieces over it.  Of course, because most political bloggers, especially we Conservatives; have to get in the last word, McLaren responded; and offered to fight the guy.

Now, before I say my piece, I will admit to ripping on McCain myself, there are times, when his self absorbed style, even turns me off, at times. But I don’t hate the guy, it’s not about that, it is just his writing style, it comes off a bit pompous. Even maybe a bit; dare I say it? —– Weird.

The point I am trying to get at, is this right here. As long as Conservatives, of ALL stripes; Bioconservatism, Compassionate, Cultural, Fiscal, Libertarian, National, Neo, Paleo, Social, Theo, and Traditionalist continue to concentrate on what divides us, instead of what UNITES us. The Conservative movement will never, ever regain it’s proper place in society and in Government ever again.

Yes, Bush screwed up, Yes, The Republican Party ran a poor candidate. It happens, let’s move on and stop this petty bickering and unite as one, and stand up to President Barack Obama’s agenda of systematically destroying the Capitalist system in America.

We just cannot hand this victory to the Democratics and allow them to utterly distroy our Movement, Our Party, our Ideals. We just cannot; many Churches will suffer because of it. Christianity will suffer, and American itself will suffer.

We must not allow ourselves to be chained by the sundry bounds of division. We must unite, we must take up the discourse and not allow them to win.

Our Future depends on it.