Bristol Palin Continued

You know, I have to laugh at these Neo-Conservative Apologists over at NRO’s “The Corner”, who want to gloss over the moral failing of the daughter of the worst Vice-President pick that the Republican Party ever made.

Some lady named Lisa Schiffren over there writes:

For all of the high-minded discussion of marriage policy on these pages and elsewhere, to me it looks very late. That train left a while ago. Even Corner readers, who will discuss choosing life vs. abortion, with endless passion, do not get so worked up about marriage. Which is why all I have to say is, “poor girl.”

Uh, Lisa? How about saying something along the lines of this; So much for those so-called moral values that Bristol’s Mom supposedly promotes, not to mention that entire party. How ironic that the Republican Party, the party that almost breaks it’s back to promote morality, almost to the point of attempting to legislate it; picks a woman, who’s daughter cannot even keep herself until marriage!

Does anyone else, besides me, see the irony here? 😮