On Douthat

Yes, I’ve heard about it. I really do not have anything negative to say about him going to the NYT. Douthat on the other hand, I found to be a bit snobbish. I once sent him an e-mail and never got a response. I suppose that Mr. Douthat, a beltway type; has no time for us amateur basement dwellers. Which is pretty fucking ironic, because that is how this whole blogging thing got started, by a bunch of basement dwellers who decided to start writing about politics; Liberal, Conservative, and yes even Libertarian…. and decided to make our own damned community.

I agree with the fact that Douthat will most likely will do better than David Brooks, and believe that is not saying much at all. Brooks was about a fucking idiot. He was a perfect example of the idiotic mumbling that comes out of the Neo-Conservative circles anymore. Which is why the Harlem globetrotter is in the White House now. 

Anyhow, I hope he does well and gets his facts straight, because God-knows the Republican Party needs a image makeover right now.

Others; on the right and left: Balloon Juice, The Moderate Voice, The Daily Dish, Blog P.I., Conservatives4Palin.com, pandagon.net, The New Republic, Crunchy Con, The Reaction, MoJo Blog Posts, Outside The Beltway, Liberal Values, Whiskey Fire, AmSpecBlog, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, Majikthise, Donklephant and Matthew Yglesias 

(Via Memeorandum)