Palin's Crap shoot

I said the same thing about Mark Sandford, not on the blog; but I did think this at the time. I really feel what Sarah Palin is doing here is huge crap shoot. I’ll explain after the quote:

Gov. Sarah Palin just told reporters that she’s accepting only 55 percent of the federal economic stimulus money being offered to Alaska. The governor said that she will accept only about $514 million of the $930 million headed to the state.

“We are not requesting funds intended to just grow government. We are not requesting more money for normal day-to-day operations of government as part of this economic stimulus package. In essence we say no to operating funds for more positions in government,” Palin said.

The biggest single chunk of stimulus money that Palin is turning down is $160 million for education. There’s also $17 million in Department of Labor funds (vocational rehabilitation services, unemployment services, etc.), about $9 million for Health and Social Services and about $7 million for Public Safety. The full list and the specifics aren’t available from the governor’s budget department yet.

The reason I say this is a crap shoot is this. If Obama’s stimulus is a failure or does not bring the expected change in the economy; Palin and Sandford will be considered heroes in the Republican Party, and amongst open-minded Independents that voted for Obama.  On the other hand; If Obama’s Stimulus package works and the economy does turn around,  The Republicans who opposed this stimulus as well as Palin and Sanford will be considered those who stood in the way of rescuing the Nation’s economy from total meltdown.

Either way, it is a very risky crap shoot and not one I personally would have taken. Because there is that risk that you might end up regretting your actions. While appealing to your loyal and sometimes overly ideological base may be nice, one has to remember is that Sanford and Palin are Governors of the entire state that they Govern and not just Governors of that State’s Republican Party base.

Another theory I have is this; perhaps Palin knows that her popularity within the party and amongst Alaskans is gone, and she’s basically setting herself up to not run in 2010 for Governor or get defeated. I could be wrong on that one. But sometimes politicians do this sort of a thing, knowing that they won’t be running for reelection or have seen the poll numbers and are going out in a blaze of glory.

Others, on Both Sides: Hot Air, Think Progress, The Moderate Voice, Power Line, Salon,, RedState, AMERICAblog News, Don Surber and TPMDC