Rep. Michele Bachmann continues to make the G.O.P. look like the Party of the Crazies

First she tries channeling McCarthy, now she’s got some wild hair up her ass about Obama dumping the dollar and going to a global currency. Something that the Obama Administration has said that it does not want to do.

Now she’s dropping inferences that the American people should stage a violent coup on the White House.


Michele Bachmann, a Republican Congresswoman from east-central Minnesota, has some fighting words for President Obama’s energy plans.

According to the Smart Politics blog at the University of Minnesota’s Center for the Study of Politics and Governance, Ms. Bachmann, when asked about President Obama’s cap-and-trade plans on a local radio station last Saturday, responded:

I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us, “Having a revolution every now and then is a good thing,” and the people – we the people – are going to have to fight back hard if we’re not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States.

Keith Olbermann discusses this:

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Here’s why this bothers me. As you know; I am not a Republican, I am a Independent libertarian-minded Conservative. Let me say this publicly, that this sort of violent rhetoric does nothing to enhance, improve, and project the image of the G.O.P. in a positive light. The Republican Party just got done taking a severe ass whipping in the 2006 and 2008 elections. This should have been awake up call to the leadership and to every member of that Party.

If this sort of nonsense from the leaders of that Party do not stop; the G.O.P. will go the way of the Whigs in short order. As much as I dislike President Barack Obama and his socialist agenda, I do NOT, at all, in any way shape, forum or idea; advocate any sort of violence towards our Nation’s President. I believe there does need to be a sharp review of the sort of language that is used towards the President and his polices. The G.O.P. should know this by now; that McCarthy’s tactics did not work, nor will these and if that Party does not want to be rendered the party of the Black Helicopters and Alex Jones type of crazies, it need stop the silliness and very quickly.

My hope is that someone, somewhere gets to Michele Bachmann and quite bluntly tells her to shut her damn pothole and fast.

Additional Coverage:

Judson Berger / Fox News: Outspoken But Not Outmaneuvered, Rep. Bachmann Manages Her Candor

Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias: Bachmann and Beck Double-Down on Currency Conspiracy Theory

Eric Kleefeld / TPMDC: Bachmann Blasts Obama’s “Economic Marxism,” …

Other Blogs: Glenn Beck, American Power,, Hot Air, Dump Michele Bachmann , TPMDC, Alas, a blog, Washington Monthly, American Power, MyDD, AMERICAblog News, Dump Michele Bachmann