David Horowitz, A Concern Troll?

Wow, I must admit, I did not see this one coming, at all. 😮

I have been watching an interesting phenomenon on the Right, which is beginning to cause me concern. I am referring to the over-the-top hysteria in response to the first months in office of our new president, which distinctly reminds me of the “Bush Is Hitler” crowd on the Left.

Speaking of this crowd, have you seen any “I am so sorry” postings from that quarter as Obama continues and even escalates the former president’s war policy in Afghanistan and attempts to consolidate his military occupation of Iraq?

Conservatives, please. Let’s not duplicate the manias of the Left as we figure out how to deal with Mr. Obama. He is not exactly the anti-Christ, although a disturbing number of people on the Right are convinced he is.

I have recently received commentaries that claim that “Obama’s speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history” and “never has a politician in this land had such a quasi-religious impact on so many people” and “Obama is a narcissist,” which leads the author to then compare Obama to David Koresh, Charles Manson, Stalin and Saddam Hussein. Excuse me while I blow my nose.

via FrontPage Magazine.

Well, I won’t sit here and lie, I see his point. It’s a valid one too. If the far right would do their legit jobs and point the fallacies in Obama polices, instead of trying to prove that he’s anything from an alien to the Anti-Christ, they’d would be doing something.

Others: Pajamas Media, pw and Little Green Footballs