If Sean Hannity's Show fails it will be because of stuff like this….

As some of you know, I have begun to watch Fox News, after all I am a right-leaning Blog after all. It is a refreshing break from the “In the Tank” Liberal Media of MSNBC and to an extent, CNN. I find most of the players over there tolerable. However, Sean Hannity is another story.

A perfect example:

HANNITY: You know, I’m going to — I resent this. When you consider…all we have done just in the last century alone to save Europe from themselves. I resent this. I think it’s outrageous, the media’s ignored it. But don’t you think this is like the Dixie Chicks? […]

HANNITY: But didn’t we see all of this in the campaign? As I was bringing up — didn’t Reverend Wright give us a little insight into his thought process? Didn’t, you know, Michelle Obama, America is a downright mean country. … But I’m thinking, didn’t we get some insight? When you sit on a board and give speeches with Bill Ayers, didn’t this — Do you think he harbors deep resentment that he just hides? Because I believe he does.

via Think Progress » Hannity: Obama ‘Harbors Deep Resentment’ Of America, Just Like Dixie Chicks.

You can go see the video over at the “Think Progress” site, I have no interest in embedding that fools nonsense on my site. The problem with Sean Hannity is this; Sean Hannity is still repeating the same dead tired talking points of the last President Administration and he is also still reciting the talking points of the McCain Presidential campaign. Earth to Hannity: The Campaign is over, McCain lost, your hero Bush is out of office, you can stop carrying water anytime you like.

The real kicker in all this is the following. Sean Hannity calls himself a Libertarian. Seriously. Sean Hannity is about as much as a Libertarian, as I am a sworn Communist. This idiot sits and defends the Iraq War and how necessary that it was to the security of America and so on. In case anyone does not know, that is the line of the Wilsonian, Neo-Conservatives. The Libertarian Party has never, ever, been pro-war at all. I just wonder, does the Libertarian Party know that Sean Hannity is identifying himself as a member of that Party? Sean Hannity is nothing more than a Wilsonian, Neo-Conservative Republican. No libertarian, that I know spouts those talking points, none of them.

I said back when Alan Colmes left that show; that it would never last and if Sean Hannity continues doing what he is doing now. He very may well end up without a job. It is one thing to criticize the President’s policies, it is another when that criticism rises the level of slander. Which is what Sean Hannity is doing. It is one thing to criticize the President with facts, but it is another to using long discarded talking points of the Pre-Obama Presidency Republican Party and of the McCain campaign.

The very strange and almost twilight zone aspect of the whole thing is, I find Bill O’Reilly totally tolerable. Which is quite strange considering before the Presidency of Obama. I could not bear to watch him. Bill does seem to have toned his show down a bit. He doesn’t cut the mics off anymore, he allows the “Other Side” as he calls them, to voice their opinions and views. Which I think is so much more professional. Which leads to me to wonder why Keith Olbermann continually attacks him. I believe it’s because Keith is still bitter at Fox News because of his firing, due to his behavior at the network.

Now if Fox could get Sean to be more like O’Reilly, I’d be more inclined to watch.