Humor, Glenn Beck, and the whole rhetoric thing…

First off, a rather hilarious exchange between two bloggers; both of which I respect highly.

From Robert Stacy McCain:

I’m just askin’ questions. BTW, does this tinfoil hat make my butt look big?

In to which Jimmie over at the Sundries Shack responds:

(via Stacy McCain who wants to know if his tinfoil hat makes his butt look big. Dude, it ain’t the hat)

Rolling on the floor Ha! I love it. too funny! Laughing

Okay, on the subject of the whole question of rhetoric thing. I realize that there are some who want to place the blame for the shooting in PA on to Glenn Beck. You can count me in the column of those who will not do this; and here’s why. I am under the belief that if someone is that paranoid about the Government and that person takes a gun and starts shooting cops with it, that person is going to do this, no matter who or what they are listening to. Besides this, if you are going to blame Beck; you are going to have to blame Savage, Hannity, O’Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Joe Farah of WorldNetDaily, and all the rest of the right wing media community.

Any person that cannot tell the huge difference between a peaceful revolution or even a rhetorical revolution, and a armed violent revolution is got something wrong “Upstairs” and has no business being in the possession of a firearm in the first place. I agree, the rhetoric has been turned up a bit too high, especially in the “Not so Main Street Media” Department. Fox News picked up on it, finally, after it being this way long before Obama ever took office. This may have been a bad thing, Glenn back became the mouth piece to that vein of discourse.

You see, there is, on the Conservative side a thin line between what I like to call the “Legitimate” media circles, like, Fox News, and several other reputable outlets and what I also like to call the “Sensationalized” Media circles; that being like WorldNetDaily,, NewsMax, and several blogs that fit that bill. I will not name those because I don’t want to start a Blog war. One of them is in my Blogroll. It is a female; and no, it is not Michelle Malkin or Ann Althouse. All I will say is, I wonder what Mrs. Rand would think, of her using this woman’s book name on a blog that puts out blatantly false information about Obama and Muslims?

I said all that to say all this; When reading the Conservative Blogosphere, as well as the Liberal or even hell, even the Libertarian Blogosphere, one must engage one’s brain, a little. On the Internet, as well as everywhere else; if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. This is why I don’t like Alex Jones; because he majors in the absurd.

My advice to everyone; Media, Bloggers, everyone. Let’s all take a deep breath, step back from the ledges a little and relax. Obama is not going to take our guns. The Democrats tried that in the 1990’s and got their butts kicked in Congress. The Democrats are not going to do that again, trust me. I also believe it would most benefit everyone; Media, Blogs, talking heads and everyone else, if we just turned the blast furnace down to a level of legitimate criticism about Policy and not all of this “Obama is a radical Muslim that’s going to take our guns” stuff. It gets out nowhere and makes the entire Conservative movement look like circus clowns. Clown

Update: Gah! I no sooner hit publish and then I realize that I forgot to put something in this entry. D’oh! Anyhow, what I was going to add here is the fact that I find it so very ironic that the people that are really hammering the Right for the shooting in PA, were the same one’s who are interestingly silent about the Black thug who shot the cops in LA last week. I wonder, where was all the outrage about that, and where was the outrage of the Main Stream Media towards the protesters who marched in support of the supposed oppressed Negro thug? I really wonder. 🙄  The truth is, the left only gets on to a subject when the situation fits their ideology. The Neo-Con right does it too, to an extent. But in this sitution, this goes well beyond Right or Left or even Neo-Con vs Paleo-Con. This shooting in California was just wrong and ANY sane America would have or should have been outraged by it. But you think the left wing media or Bloggers would even talk about that? No. Because they don’t wanna appear as racists. Cowards, all of them.