President Teleprompter tries to take credit for Navy Seal rescue

This is just too rich, the Washington Post in it’s slobbering love affair with the Teleprompter in Chief is now trying to say that Obama is directly responsible for the rescue of the Ship Captain. Here’s the slobbering quote, if you can stomach such tripe:

It was one of the earliest tests of the new American president — a small military operation off the coast of a Third World nation. But as President Bill Clinton found out in October 1993, even minor failures can have long-lasting consequences.

Clinton’s efforts to land a small contingent of troops in Haiti were rebuffed, for the world to see, by a few hundred gun-toting Haitians. As the USS Harlan County retreated, so did the president’s reputation.

For President Obama, last week’s confrontation with Somali pirates posed similar political risks to a young commander in chief who had yet to prove himself to his generals or his public.

But the result — a dramatic and successful rescue operation by U.S. Special Operations forces — left Obama with an early victory that could help build confidence in his ability to direct military actions abroad.

Throughout the past four days, White House officials played down Obama’s role in the hostage drama. Until yesterday, he made no public statements about the pirates.

In fact, aides said yesterday, Obama had been briefed 17 times since he returned from his trip abroad, including several times from the White House Situation Room. And without giving too many details, senior White House officials made it clear that Obama had provided the authority for the rescue.

It goes on a bit, but I am not going to quote any more of it. Sweet Jesus on a tea bag already! They act like Obama was the one with the gun, and who pulled the trigger. Heck, even Marc Ambinder knows the real deal and even HE sees the stupidity in the WaPo’s Article, Mark weighs in:

Perhaps I’m reading this wrong, but I’m fairly certain that the pirate drama and its resolution says absolutely nothing about President Obama. You could make the case that the White House wants to show that Obama is deliberate and cautious when it comes to authorizing military force — fine — but this was a hostage rescue mission, the U.S. has specially-trained counterterrorist forces for precisely this sort of thing, and military aciton was almost inevitable. Really, what this weekend’s drama was, was a test of the National Command Authority, the NSC’s ability to communicate with commanders in the crisis, and some good field training for Navy SEALs.

Thank you sweet baby Jesus, for someone with a ounce of clarity! Someone in the Main Stream Media has an once of brain!

Okay, fine, I will give President Bambi Teleprompter a little credit, he gave the order, big fucking deal! It was the Navy Seals that did the fucking job. That fucking Magic Negro did not do a fucking thing, except pet his fucking dog and admire himself in the fucking mirror until the job was done. So liberals, wise the hell up, okay? Quit trying to make your little plastic messiah more than he really is, okay? Because honestly, the rest of thinking America is getting a little sick from the smell of the fucking manure your spreading. Seriously.

Others, Mostly slobbering liberals: The Swamp, Slate, Washington Monthly, ATTACKERMAN, MSNBC, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Sister Toldjah, Wonkette, Associated Press, CBS News, Balloon Juice, Right Wing Nut House, Taylor Marsh, AMERICAblog News, Outside The Beltway, Macsmind, Political Punch, Althouse, New York Times, The Politico, Truthdig and Brilliant at Breakfast and more via Memeornadum

Update: Charm this, dickweed. Typical asshole liberal; when they cannot win a fucking argument, they start the slams. Well, Fuck ’em. They elected that Teleprompter reader piece of shit, now deal with the fucking criticism. I don’t remeber the damn left licking George W. Bush’s asshole that hard. (Douche Nozzle as he was, but still… fuckin’ aye already…)