's "Green Room" – Just another Neo-Conservative echo chamber

As you all know, I am a proud Paleo-Conservative. But I do read, to get a feel about what is being talked about. I happen to notice that they created a new “sub-Blog” for the some of the more ass kissing preferred commentator’s over there.

Great. Another Neo-Conservative Blog that’s nothing more than a Neo-Conservative echo chamber.  🙄

I say this, because I only see people, that tow the line of the Neo-Conservative message; nobody from the “Old Right” school, like Daniel Larison, Robert Stacy McCain (Correction: He is there! 😮 )  or any of the writers from Taki’s Magazine or from @TAC. Just the same old echo chamber group.  So, while there might be a new paint job and a slight addition, it is the just same ol’, same ol’ with a new paint job.

On related note; I was once again tossed out of the chat-room over there. For daring.. DARING… to ask a moderator to actually do his job. You see, there’s this idiot over there; that shows his face, now and again, who is, quite frankly, an idiot liberal troll. Well, he’s got some sort of gay crush on me or something and likes to Private Message me. Well, I essentially told the tool to fuck off and leave me alone.  I then, asked to the moderator, in some not so nice tones, in the chat-room to try doing his job. Well, that was not to be allowed, and I was kicked, and I guess banned from the chat-room.

Am I angry? Nah! I guess I really was not very well liked anyhow. Partially, because I am not some sort of Sarah Palin worshipping idiot and because I happen to think Zionism is about a fucking joke; as is the Republican Party, at the moment. So, while I was a bit disappointed that I was tossed, as I enjoyed some of the banter in there; it was more of a time waster and the content of my blog was suffering for it. My time would be better served actually creating content for my blog, rather than sitting and listening to a bunch of Neo-Con yowl about limited Government out of one corner of thier mouths and how the Government should tell women, what they can and cannot do with thier bodies, out of the other corner.

Now, before anyone nails me or jumps me on the subject of abortion. I believe Abortion is a MORAL issue, it should never be a legislative issue. Period. End of story.

So, while it was fun, while it lasted, again. It is really no big loss on my part. 😀