Quote of the Day, Part 1

Can I tell it like it is? Our Christian leaders are not fighters, they are authors. Osteen, Dobson, and Warren are more famous for what they have written, than for what they have done. They are more concerned with how they will be perceived by the enemy than they are with defending the Truth. While the enemies of God kill, steal, and destroy our children, our leaders are worried about the “tone” with which our message is delivered. They are more concerned with looking Christian than being Christian.

Compassion– a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

Compassionate conservativism shows more sympathy for those they are fighting than for those they are supposed to be defending.

So, has the Republican Party advanced Christianity or has Christianity advanced the Republican Party?

No King but King Jesus! Long live the King!

It is time to let conservatism die.