The only thing that is "unhealthy" is David Axlerod's Brain

It is official, David Axlerod just moved up another notch in the Douche Nozzle index:

Check out this video:

The Story:

Senior White House adviser David Axelrod on Sunday suggested the “Tea Party” movement is an “unhealthy” reaction to the tough economic climate facing the country.

Axelrod was asked on CBS’s “Face the Nation” about the “spreading and very public disaffection” with the president’s fiscal policies seen at the “Tea Party” rallies around the country last week.

“I think any time you have severe economic conditions there is always an element of disaffection that can mutate into something that’s unhealthy,” Axelrod said.

Axelrod appeared to backtrack when pressed on whether the movement is unhealthy.

“Well, this is a country where we value our liberties and our ability to express ourselves, and so far these are expressions,” he said.

“The thing that bewilders me is that this president just cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people,” Axelrod argued. “I think the tea bags should be directed elsewhere because he certainly understands the burden that people face.”

Democratic strategist James Carville disagreed with Axelrod on CNN’s “State of the Union” when John King asked him if it’s unhealthy for “an American to go out and hold a sign and say ‘I think my taxes are too high.'”

via CNN Political Ticker: – Axelrod suggests ‘Tea Party’ movement is ‘unhealthy’

Oh Yeah, Obama understands alright. Obama understands that he has a socialist agenda to fulfill. Obama simply wants to impose more regulations and yes, taxes upon us, so that he can fund the empire, that has become the United States of America. As far as his stupid statement about cutting the Taxes of 95% of Americans, what about that 5%, which is made up of a bit more people than Mr. Axlerod cares to admit? You know, like small business owners who are now going to have to pay higher taxes to shoulder the burden of those who basically do not have to pay taxes? Because of this these business owners will most likely have to cut staff and remove benefits, so, that they can afford to pay those taxes.

What that will translate to, is this; higher unemployment. Because whether President Bambi Teleprompter realizes it or not, 95% of Americans are employed by small to medium businesses. Not everyone has a job at General Motors, Chrysler, or Ford. Some of us here in Michigan are just not that damn lucky. Heck, even the industry that I tried getting into, the trucking industry; is starting to feel the squeeze of the massive recession that is being brought on by the stupidity of the former and current Presidents. Less people buying products, means less truckers needed to haul those products across the country. Not only this, with the Obama hiking the taxes of the top 5% in this country, namely those who own several trucks, owners are just not able to afford the drivers anymore because of the hike in Taxes that they have to pay every month. There’s a thing called road taxes. The more you drive, the more you pay; and if you operate in more than one state, you have pay taxes in the state you operate in.

So, yeah, the agenda is really working alright, to screw every damned American in the end. Which is exactly what the Democratic Party is infamous for. So, as the title of this Blog posting says, the only thing unhealthy, is Axlerod’s brain. Unhealthy For America, Unhealthy for Freedom, and unhealthy for the working class in this country. It so bewilders me why people will accept blatant stupidity and follow it like sheep.

But, according to them, it is for the greater good. But at who’s expense? Ours, of course.

So, if you’re unemployed; like me, and you’re trying to look for a job. Good luck to you, because your wonderful socialist asshat President and his administration just made it about 50 times harder to find a damn job. 😡

Damned idiots, All of them! 🙄