Megan McCain Stupid Twitter Twat

It appears that the Republican Party’s resident media whore is still writing stupid stuff on the internet….

Megan McCain on The Daily Beast:

Karl Rove follows me on Twitter. That’s creepy. I joined Twitter a few months ago; so far, it has been a liberating way to transition from political to personal blogging. It’s allowed me to share the less-serious aspects and humorously uncensored moments of my life. But there’s also been a downside: I am now being followed by Karl and my local sheriff, and God knows how many other political pundits. We need to take Twitter back from the creepy people.

Clueless Bitch of the Year!
Clueless Bitch of the Year!

On the surface, Karl Rove’s Twitter feed intrigues me. Here’s a guy who for years has been perceived as some kind of inaccessible man-behind-the-curtain figure. And now he Tweets numerous times a day. I’ve never met him in person, which only makes our Twitter relationship even weirder. And to be honest, I find Rove’s Tweets boring. Sometimes he takes questions; other times he talks about his appearances on cable news and other shows. But he doesn’t say anything substantive. If I had to guess, I’d say Rove has a “ghost Twitterer” (as in a ghost writer) or an assistant updating his feed for him.

Oddly enough, Rove’s Tweets seem to reveal a softer side to him. Call it savvy marketing, but I find it disingenuous. And it’s a bit weird to think his people—not even Rove himself—are following me. I’d like to think it’s because they find what I’m saying entertaining, but I can’t help thinking they’re just trying to seem connected to young people.

The Twitter creeps gets stranger. My local Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (who, as the author of America’s Toughest Sheriff, is notorious in his own right) recently sent me a Tweet about an answer I gave a fellow Twitter follower. He tried to tell me to go easy on them. It’s really scary when the guy who houses his inmates in tents in the summer and whose most visible public-relations success involves pink underwear, boxers, and handcuffs tells you to tone it down. The sheriff also inexplicably Tweeted me to say my mother owes him $10. Say what?

This all coming from the same woman, who blocked ME on twitter, because I dared to tell the little clueless little moronic twit that she was about as Republican, that I was a damned communist. Then she bitches about it!  Just like her stupid father, she has no real Conservative political convictions. She just follows what is trendy at the time. Just another boat with no direction, at all. Seriously, I really seriously think, that this little feckless bitch would go back to Arizona and seriously look into shutting the FUCK UP and leave the political to those who actually know anything about it! She even went on that Bull Dyke Rachel Maddow’s show and admitted to all of the ten people that watch that show, that she was freakin’ CLUELESS, when it comes it the economy.

This broad is nothing more than a spoiled rotten RICH KID, who is about as goofy as she is rich. Please, for the love of gott, go back to your hole and stay there and stop embarrassing the Republican Party and more importantly, your own damn father! 🙄

I mean, it must run in the family… Is Cindy this much of a moron too??!?!?! If so, Poor John, I mean, holy hell. Gives new meaning to the words, “Shut up and suck!”

Update: I’m sure some of you might have read this and thought, “I thought this guy was a Paleo-Conservative and didn’t like Rove and Co?” You’re right, I don’t. My bitch with McCain is that she’s trashing Rove because he’s a Conservative; and Megan McCain isn’t.  She’s quite the liberal. So, while I am definitely not a Neo-Con Rove fan boy; I find Megan McCain’s trashing of the Republican Party, which basically made her Father to be just asinine. She should be ashamed of herself and should be shamed from the public square. If she was not John McCain’s daughter, she’d be ignored, like anyone else.