The Obama “under the bus” moment of the day

Looks like President Bambi Teleprompter is now trying to appease the far left of his own party.

Jack Tapper and Company Reports:

President Obama suggested today that it remained a possibility that the Justice Department might bring charges against officials of the Bush administration who devised harsh interrogation policies that some see as torture.

He also suggested that if there is any sort of investigation into these past policies and practices, he would be more inclined to support an independent commission outside the typical congressional hearing process.

Both statements represented breaks from previous White House statements on the matter.

While the Bush-era memos providing legal justifications for enhanced interrogation methods "reflected us losing our moral bearings," the president said, he also that he did not think it was "appropriate" to prosecute those CIA officers who "carried out some of these operations within the four corners of the legal opinions or guidance that had been provided by the White House."

But in clear change from language he and members of his administration have used in the past, the president said that "with respect to those who formulated those legal decisions, I would say that is going to be more of a decision for the Attorney General within the parameters of various laws and I don’t want to prejudge that. I think that there are a host of very complicated issues involved there."

Just yesterday, asked by a reporter as to why the administration was not seeking to "hold accountable" Bush administration lawyers who may have "twisted the law," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said, "the president is focused on looking forward, that’s why."

Here is some related video by the slime ball Liberal Network MSNBC, this is David Shuster who seems almost overcome with joy that the President is leaving the door open, to what will amount to a political witch hunt: (H/T Breit Bart)

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Basically what this says to me is this; President Obama is scared to death of loosing his support among the far left, who want nothing more than to prosecute everyone involved with the so-called torture, the run up to the Iraq War, everything pretty much everything and everyone related to the Bush Administration. This is because the Democrats are still angry, because they lost the 2000 and 2004 elections; which the far liberal left ridiculously claim that the Republicans stole. Which is absolute idiotic nonsense. 

Let me clue you liberals in on something; you lost the 2000 and 2004 election, because your candidates quite frankly sucked. I mean, Al Gore for goodness sake, what a douche nozzle! John Kerry, talk about an out of touch Limousine liberal! Yes; I did vote for both of these idiots and yes, they both lost, and Yes, I knew why! This was before my blogging days and my close following of the politics of the left and the right. Yes, I voted for Clinton in his second term. Yes, I do regret that, highly. I remember just wanting Clinton out of office, after his little problem with Lewinsky.

What this will do is this; divide America. It will pit Conservatives against Liberals and visa versa. As we did not have enough that for the last eight years. It is too bad, Obama could have just left well enough alone. But, no, he has to dredge up idiot nonsense for we Americans to have live over again. What nonsense! But, then again, we are talking about Liberals.