Charles Johnson vs Pamela Geller and Paul Belien, Who wins?

I have been trying to avoid this topic like the bubonic plague; mainly because I was not really interested in being drawn into some sort of idiotic Blog war with people, that I most likely agree with politically.

However, because I am not interested in blogging about torture memos and all the stupidity surrounding that silly meme, that is raging around the Internet; I figure I would offer my two sense on this little subject. Before I try and analyze this and give my thoughts, I want Pam and Chuck to both know that I have zero against either of them; I can sympathize with both of their positions and I know they both love this Country as much as I do and they are both doing the Lord’s Work to try and protect it against people who would want to destroy our way of life here in America. I realize that there a few more people involved with this little dispute, but these two are the main major players; So, I am dealing with them.

However, I must address this squabble, not as a critic, but as fellow American who watched in horror on September 11’th 2001; when two fully loaded planes, with fuel and people, slammed into both of the World Trade Center Towers in New York. As someone who watched in horror, as a fully loaded plane slammed into the Pentagon, in Virgina. and as a fully loaded plane crashed in a field in PA.  As someone who was utterly paralyzed with fear; when a panicked news anchor on CNN announced that there was a plane headed for the White House. As an American, who watched in horror as 2,998 people, in New York, Virgina, and Pennsylvania lives were snuffed out by crazed terrorists, who thought that they were on a mission from their so-called god, Allah.

Pam and Chuck, please, for the sake of America; Stop this mindless, silly, immature fighting, over the fact that Pam is going to a damned Conference that has some idiotic former Neo-Nazis attending it.

Here’s why kids, because you know who is winning, when to pro-American Bloggers begin to quarrel? The people that win, are those who want to distory what Me, Pam and Chuck all believe in. That is American values; The American way of life, Freedom of Religion and FROM a Religion, if one so chooses. That is the terrorists themselves. That is what terrorism is, not only just blowing up stuff and causing fear and panic, but to also cause disunity and strife, and yes, chaos among those who defend freedom.

You want to know who else is winning this fight, when you all; Pam, Chuck, Robert, Paul Belien and Robert Stacy McCain decide to fight and argue? The liberals win. Every damned liberal who opens a site like Mine, Pam’s, Chuck’s, Robert’s or Paul’s and accuses us of being Neo-Nazi fascists, because we dare to stand up to and fight against Islamofascism. They win. They will point to us and say, “See? They can’t even get along with one another, much less people of different cultures!” You all want to provide support to our Nation’s enemies? Just keep fighting foolishly like you are all doing. Liberals and possibly even independents that happen to read our Blogs, will look at them and think, “Man, why would I want to vote for people that act like this?” It’s your choice. Support whom you all wish.

Disagreements happen, it is a fact of life, I cannot deny this. But disagreements that amount to abject stupidity; do nothing to help our cause folks. Remember that.

I just wish, perhaps a bit foolishly; that the Conservative movement could enjoy a little unity, instead of all this idiotic bickering and division that plagues our side these days. It is, and I know I might catch royal hell for saying this; it is, in fact, the polio disease that is killing our side of the political fence. I just wish someone would invent a damned cure for it.

Update: Welcome to all the Conservative Grapevine readers! If you like what you read around here, Hit the tip jar! Don’t forget to bookmark the site and come back often! 😀 Big thanks to John Hawkins for the link! 🙂

Update 2: I have posted a follow up to this. Go read it.