The Obligatory Obama nominates Sonia Sotomayor to SCOTUS posting

Yes, I know about the story that is burning up the Blogosphere right now.  I am talking about the nomination of Justice Sonia Sotomayor to the SCOTUS.

I suppose some of you are expecting me to go on some sort of half-cocked, loose cannon, type of rant about this. Well, surprise. I am not going to do that. Not on this one anyhow.

For starters; quite bluntly, elections have consequences. The American people decided that the George W. Bush style of rule, that being the Wilsonian, Neo-Conservative, Cowboy syle of rule was not going to stand any longer and they voted against it and John McCain and his wish-washy style of Conservatism. Instead, the American people elected a progressive; some would say, far left wing liberal President. The appointment of this lady to the SCOTUS is a direct byproduct of this.  This is the normal course of a free society, and a Constitutional Republic and the cost of free elections.   This is why it pays to be fully informed of whom exactly one is voting for.

For what I have read and observed on the far right; The Conservatives are acting like President Obama nominated Karl Marx.  Hopefully, the Republican Party does not get into this dangerous game of stupidity with this woman. It could very well cost them dearly in the coming 2010 elections.  Because you just know that the Liberals will take any sort of criticism of this woman that even remotely sounds racist and run it up a flag pole.  As sad as it is for me to have to write this and make this observation; But it is the facts, quite bluntly, The Democrats are holding the cards right now and controlling the poker table; the Republican Party and the Conservative are best to just stick to the issues and the facts, and stay as far away as possible from the stupidity people like Glenn Beck.  I mean, if I or some other well known blogger went off on him about his Mormon Religion or his Alcoholism or his inability to keep his first marriage together; we could be derided as haters, would we not? So, why should Beck get a free pass? He doesn’t. Not with me anyhow.

I believe in a balance of political opinion in the SCOTUS, some feel it is tiliting too far to the left. I disagree. I believe that for too long it has tiltled too far toward Conservatism. I would love to see a true blue Libertarian in there. Of course, we all know that this will never happen. So, you take what you can get.

I will be following this story and will post more, as details come out.