Sanford admits to having an affair

This is terrible…. I will explain after the video and story…

The Video:

The Story:

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, his eyes red, admitted to having an extramarital affair Wednesday with an Argentine woman.

“I’ve been unfaithful to be my wife,” Sanford said at a state capitol news conference.

It began very innocently,” he explained, saying that developed into an adulterous relationship in the past year.

He said he seen his unidentified mistress three times since they began the affair or, as he put it, “since the whole sparking thing.”

Sanford said he was resigning his post as Chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association.

Taking questions from reporters, Sanford said his wife knew about the relationship before his trip last week and that “they had been working through this thing for about the last five months.”

He shed tears as he explained how helpful one friend had been.

He also choked up when he said: “This has been selfishness on my part.”

Sanford’s admission caps an extraordinary week in which he was revealed to having been in Argentina and not, as his staff said, hiking on the Appalachian trail.

Before disclosing his relationship, Sanford apologized profusely to a number of family and friends.

“I’ve let down a lot of people — that’s the bottom line,” Sanford said.

via Sanford admits affair – POLITICO Live –

My Friends, I am not going to try and spin this or lie about it or anything. For the first time in my blogging career; I can honestly say, that I am at a loss for words. The emotions that I am feeling right now are shock, disbelief, anger, slight numbness; all of that. In the back of my mind, I was worried that people like Jack Hunter; who’s also known as “The Southern Avenger“, was putting way too much stock into the guy.  I thought that this was a setup by the Neo-Conservatives and the Liberals to keep him from trying to running for President in 2012. I even was about ready to pen a Editoral blasting those whom I thought were behind the attempt to undercut the man.

Well, all that’s not going to be needed now. Mark Stanford admitted he was in deep trouble.

I am, as they say; devastated.

Update: As always, Memeorandum has the round up.

Update #2: Michelle Malkin does not mence words, She calls Sanford a “Bastard“.  To which I say; Amen.

Update #3: The Anchoress has some choice words for Sanford as well.

Update #4: I’ve seen some Democrats just loving this. Let me say this, at least Mark Sanford wasn’t trying to run for President; while cheating on his wife with cancer; and the last time I checked, Sandford doesn’t have any “Hey, ask me about my dead kid!”, stickers on the back of his car. Unlike a well-known Democrat that we all know.