One of the reasons why I do not use WorldNetDaily as a news source

WorldNetDaily, I have always felt; is the National Enquirer of Conservative News. Well, they have given me another reason to feel that way. They are reporting on an American Solider, who is refusing to reporting for duty, because he does not believe that President Obama is an American citizen.


His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.

“We won! We won before we even arrived,” she said with excitement. “It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!”

She continued, “They just said, ‘Order revoked.’ No explanation. No reasons – just revoked.”

Confederate Yankee is baffled:

I have no ready explanation for why the military would rescind his deployment orders, unless they plan to keep him stateside to begin a disciplinary investigation against him. Frankly, for the sake of our nation, I hope this is the case.

Because if the Pentagon allows soldiers to simply declare Obama an an illegitimate Command in Chief—as the article would have you believe—it would seem to set a precedent that would lead to chaos in the military, allowing service members to question all orders for the executive branch. It would be anarchy.

WorldNet Daily simply must have this wrong. The larger ramifications of the case being dismissed for the reasons alleged by the attorney are too terrible to consider.

John Cole, A blogger on the left, that I happen to respect; is a bit more direct:

This guy is going to get court-martial-ed so quickly, brutally, and publicly that it isn’t even funny, and his lunatic lawyer thinks they have won something. It hasn’t even occurred to them that the order to deploy was rescinded because they are about to hammer him with disciplinary action.

I think I tend to agree with John here. That this ol’ boy is about get put through the meat grinder with the Military. 😯 :hypnotized: 😮