From the Dept. of "Why am I not surprised?"

Shocking, but not surprising…:

Chalk this up as Stupid Palin Meme of the Week:

In a July 12th hit piece published on the front page of the New York Times, reporters Jim Rutenberg and Serge Kovaleski (assisted by Kim Severson and William Yardley in Alaska) made the following claim:

Friends worried that she appeared anxious and underweight. Her hair had thinned to the point where she needed emergency help from her hairdresser and close friend, Jessica Steele.

“Honestly, I think all of it just broke her heart,” Ms. Steele said in an interview at her beauty parlor in Wasilla, the Beehive.

This tidbit was seized upon and has bounced through the Internet and blogosphere — a Google search for “Palin hair thinned” now returns nearly 400,000 hits. Lefties such as Eleanor Clift seized on it as some kind of meme that Palin can’t handle stress.
Well, Jessica Steele, proprietor of The Beehive and the Palin friend and hairdresser quoted by the NYT, is outraged at the claim and making it known through a forum immediately available – her Twitter feed

via Palin Hairdresser: NYT Was Lying About “Hair Thinning” Claim.

Of course the New York Times is going to lie about Sarah Palin. They lie about everyone that they fear. They did it to George W. Bush, They did it John McCain and now they are doing to Sarah Palin.

But I do ask one question; does not Sarah Palin have this coming? After all, it was Sarah Palin and John McCain who allowed themselves to be interviewed by every liberal news network out there; but refused to come onto Fox News Channel, at all.  Was it not Sarah Palin and John McCain who came on to Saturday Night Live and allowed themselves to be openly mocked by the liberals?

The way I see it, if you run with the wolves; you should not complain or protest, when they decide to devour you.

Now the Palin-bots are going to try attack me for saying she deserves this; because she is a woman; which is so typical of these so-called “Feminist Conservatives”. But that is NOT what I am saying at all. I am saying that when you play the liberal game; or as some would call it, if you “Jump through their hoops”, you pay the price.

Sarah Palin should have never agreed to any of the “Liberal hoop jumping” during the election, this is why they are attacking her now.

Others: Don Surber, Gateway Pundit and 24Ahead