The Sadly Obligatory "Jungle Monkey" Police officer posting

I really did not want to touch this story; because of it’s nature. But really you are most likely going to be shocked as to my opinion on this.

The Story Via the Boston Globe:

An officer in the Boston Police Department was suspended yesterday for allegedly writing a racially charged e-mail about Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. to colleagues at the National Guard, a law enforcement official said. Mayor Thomas M. Menino compared the officer to a cancer and said he is “gone, g-o-n-e” from the force.

Justin Barrett

Barrett, a 36-year-old who has been on the job for two years, was stripped of his gun and badge yesterday and faces a termination hearing in the next week, said police spokeswoman Elaine Driscoll. He has no previous disciplinary record, she said.

“Yesterday afternoon, Commissioner Davis was made aware that Officer Barrett was the author of correspondence which included racially charged language,” she said. “At that time, Commissioner Davis immediately stripped Officer Barrett of his gun and badge, and at this time we will be moving forward with the hearing process.”

Barrett will receive legal representation from Boston Police Patrolmen’s Assocation, the police officer’s union. A woman who answered the phone at the police association said that union president Thomas J. Nee was not available for comment, but said he would be releasing a statement this evening.

Barrett could not immediately be reached for comment.

You can read what the man wrote, by going right here. Of course, now the man is apologizing and saying he is not a racist and used a poor choice of words.  Not to be crude about it; but ya think? How about you never should have written the stupid e-mail in the first place and passed it around to your friends?  You moron.

Some of you were most likely thinking that I would come to the defense of this douche nozzle. Well, surprise. 🙄

I would not no more defend a person like this, than I would defend some person who robbed a bank and happened to be a police officer and a member of the National Guard. What this idiot forgot is this; Police Officers are servants of the people, not Masters. Some goes for National Guardsman, they are servants of the Government and by proxy the people of the state of Massachusetts. What this idiot did not only reflects bad on the city of Boston, but also on the National Guard. Does this man have the right to feel the way that he does? Yes. But does he have the right to espouse such hatred while  in the employment of the city of Boston and in the deployment of the National Guard? I am afraid that answer is no.  I am sorry, but racism is wrong; whether it is White on Black or Black on White; and yes there is both. The point is that it is still wrong and should not be tolerated by any City, State or Federal Government.