Ron Paul says that "Cash for Clunkers" hurts the poor

I do not always agree with the Ron Paul. But this time; he is dead on. His point is that the liberals in their quest to revive a market for new cars, is destroying a used market for older cars for the poor people to drive. Which is absolutely true. Hell, I drive a damned clunker car! Do you think that I can afford to go buy a new car? Well sure, if someone wants to give me the entire amount needed to buy a new one!  Contrary to what some might believe, some of us Conservatives are not independently wealthy. Some of us Conservatives are below the poverty line. Some of us Conservatives are poor!

However, just because I am not rolling in the dough, does not mean that I want a Government hand out! Just because I am poor, does not mean that I want the Government controlling every aspect of my life either!

You ask, “If your are so damned poor, than why the hell are you a Conservative?!?!” Because I know the truth about the Democratic Party; how they use poor people, black people, and other minorities, all for their votes and to achieve idiotic goals of a socialistic society.

So, again; I might not always agree with Ron Paul, but this time, he knocked it out of the ballpark.

Here’s the video: (Via The Daily Paul)

By the way,The Daily Paul is a decent website as well; even if the owner did refuse to buy advertising on my site. I guess I wasn’t worth the investment. 🙄 In case he’s forgotten, it was with his Gold business that he runs.