Even more Obama Astroturfing

I was going include this item in the previous posting, but it was getting a bit long, so, I thought I would make a separate posting on it.

Not only are the Socialist Liberals bringing in people on buses, and planting people in the audience at the President’s townhalls, but they are also having their people walking around with signs.

The BlogProf picks it up, and mentions Nancy Pelsoi’s idiots Nazi statement and delivers the following bombshell:

Once she said this, all of a sudden Obama as Hitler posters started popping up at townhall meetings, particularly this one at John Dingell’s townhall last Thursday:Note the black man holding up the poster. This screenshot was used in reports by the MSM who painted the protesters as Nazis. Here’s the thing, though – that black man is a Dingell supporter! Last Friday, Frank Beckmann on his show broadcast on WJR 760 AM interviewed an eyewitness that said not only were union thugs let in through a side door before anyone else was let into the venue, but that he clearly saw from his vantage point that very Obama as Hitler poster in that back hallway after the union thugs took their seats. The interview was around 11:00am, but WJR chose not to post that audio (they only tend to select one or two clips a day to post). I thought it would have been bigger news, and needed more than just that to write a post, albeit an audio clip would have partially sufficed. In any case, I’ve been scouring YouTube and the web for more info, and have finally found some. Here is one account that was posted Monday over at FreeRepublic:

A couple that were at Dingals TH meeting said there was a black man outside with a sign comparing Obama the Adolf Hitler. After the meeting ended and when everyone was leaving this same man was handing out Dingal campaign flyers.

Sorry no link, I’m on my Palm but maybe someone can download it from Fox and post the link.

If the link is out there, I haven’t found it yet (**see update for footage**). The plant poster was used by the liberal media and Soros-funded Michigan blogs such as MichiganLiberal and the national blog the Daily Kos:

Before I had even parked the car, I saw a young African American guy carrying a 5-foot tall picture of President Obama with a Hitler mustache.

Game on.

Game on indeed, go over and read this rest of this, it is pretty explosive. More plays from the Saul Alinsky playbook. If you cannot beat them, attempt to marginalize them.