Stop the Presses! – Glenn Reynolds writes more than one line on his blog!

Hey, it isn’t every day that he does it, so, I figured I would mention it. 😛

Go here to read.

By the way, he does have a point:

Remember how Bush was supposed to be the idiot who went into Iraq without a plan, while Obama was supposed to be the cool methodical one? But Reich is admitting that despite all the Administration hoopla, there’s still no plan. Or, possibly, that the White House has a plan, but won’t tell us what it is. And yet the people who don’t want to see a bill — some bill, doing who-knows-what — rammed through in the dead of night are somehow the ones who are ignorant and being manipulated. Right.

Yes, I do.  Only plan that floppy-eared socialist has is to turn this Country into another Europe; with Government ran everything.  Honestly, I was never a huge Bush fan, at all. As anyone can see, by looking at my archives. But there’s times, when I believe that Obama makes Bush look like farking Einstein.

Anyhow, Yeah, Glenn wrote a good posting, a long one at that. Now, if we could just get him to TITLE the damn things! 🙄

Update: I cannot believe that someone actually complained about my snarky humor that I wove into this piece. My only response to the complaint is this. You think black people don’t call white people names like that, in private? Please. I’ve heard some of those conversations and you would be shocked to know what they really think about us white people. Let me put it to you this way. Jeremiah Wright simple said aloud what MOST, if not ALL black people think about white people. While most have the decency not to say it aloud, most African-Americans DESPISE White people, because of the past. Most will not admit it, but it is true.  Believe me, I have heard the conversations and I have been the target of the scorn from them as well. So, while I do regret that someone was offended by my off the cuff humor, I do not apologize for my feelings towards this President, nor his Marxist Politics.