Obama's Wee Wee Redux

The White  House trying to explain Obama’s little wee wee comment.

“It’s a phrase I use,” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said today, hesitating at his press briefing to offer a physical demonstration of the phraseology.

“Let’s do this in a way that’s family friendly,” Gibbs said. “I think ‘wee-weed up’ is when people get all nervous for no particular reason….

“August of 2008, everybody was nervous about whether the entire presidential campaign was slipping out from the hands of the president,” Gibbs said, turning the page to this August, in which all the president’s critics are declaring his health-care initiatives in peril. “This is sort of an August pundit pattern of people getting overly nervous about something that has a long way to go…

“Bedwetting would probably be the more consumer-friendly term for it,” the press secretary said.

via ‘Wee-weed up:’ White House explains it: The Swamp.

Here’s the Video: (H/T To Breit Bart Via HotAir)

I’m not sure what is more funny, watching Obama making the funny comment or watching Robert Gibbs trying to explain it! 😆 😛 😀

Oh to be a fly on the wall in the oval office after that presser. 😉

Wee Wee? Why the hell would you use a term like that?!?!?!?”