John Henke gets pushback and then whines about it.

I find this one extremely funny. John Henke calls for a Boycott of WorldNetDaily and then when WND‘s readers push back, he whines about it.

No wonder the left thinks we are bunch of damned idiots. Because of stupid stuff like this right here.

For the record, I think all Conservative viewpoints are welcomed and needed. Not just those that John Henke thinks is acceptable. His whole idea that Buckley would have boycotted WND is absolutely asinine. Not mention borders on Elitism, and approaches the level of insufferable asshole. I would expect something like this from say; Ed Schultz or even Sean Hannity, Both being insufferable assholes themselves. But coming from someone in the Grass Roots, is absolutely appalling.

The Republican Party needs a face lift. But not this kind of a face lift!  The Conservative movement is known for its tolerance of a variety of opinions. Hell, I’m here, are I not?  The left not much known for this.

Let me give you an perfect example. I am member of the BlogAds advertising system.  When I was still blogging from a left of center position, on another blog, that I used to own.  I formally asked to join the “Liberal Ad Hive”. This was way back in 2006, by the way; I was denied. Why? Because I was not a supporter of the Homosexual lifestyle. The owner of the Ad Hive is gay. Also, it was because of my stance on Abortion, which was and still is, that it is flat out murder.  Forward ahead here to around December of 2007, when I requested to add Political Byline to the Conservative Hive; this was after I came to conclusion that I just did not fit in with the modern day “Democratic Party/Socialist/liberal” crowd. Anyhow, I kindly asked John Hawkings, if I could his Conservative Hive. Much to my astonishment, he said yes!

Where am I going with all this? Hold your Horses, I am getting to my point. 😀

The point here that I am trying to make is this. Conservatives are known for our tolerance. We should not change that at all. Did John Hawkings ask me of my Conservative beliefs consist of “Such and Such and Such and Such?” No. He just said, sure! You’re in! I was surprised by this, greatly.

Why? Because folks, I will be the first to tell you, that I am nowhere near “to the right” as say, Michelle Malkin or even the guys at “The Corner” (NRO’s Blog…) But, I am someone who just believes that Free Markets work and that Government intervention in everything under the sun is just not right! Further more, I believe that Homosexuality is, in fact, an abomination to God himself and that Marriage should always remain, between a man and a woman. I also believe that Abortion is murder, no matter how you slice it. I guess that was good enough for Mr. Hawkings.

So, having wrote at all, let me say this; again, to Mr. Henke. We should not, I repeat, should NOT start to employ the strong arm tactics of the socialist left. We need good spokespeople to articulate our positions. We do not need to start mimicking the far left and become intolerant. If we do, we will lose in the end. I assure you of that. Because individual freedom is the bedrock of Conservatism, we cannot afford to sacrifice that, at all.