UPDATED!: Police State? Why would the Military snatch a protester? Confirmed Not Military, But Police.

I saw this over a Drudge’s site. Now, I am sure that there is a logical explanation for this. I would just like to hear it.

Watch the video:

Not to be the peddler of paranoia; but is not the enforcement of the law supposed to be carried out; by civilian law enforcement and not the military?

Just asking.

Update: After I hit publish, the thought occurred to me; it could have been National Guard or a stunt. But, you never know. I would like to hear from the local law enforcement and find out why this happened.

Update #2: Ed Morrissey has gotten Confirmation that this was NOT, I repeat, NOT Military! But rather Police arresting a guy for vandalism.

Update #3: The Sassy Republican; Who was there —-  living up to her name, stops by and offers her point of view.