Dede Scozzafava suspends NY-23 Campaign

I knew this was coming, sort of. I knew she was doing bad, I just was not sure if she would actually drop out. Well, Surprise surprise!

My Good Friend and fellow Blogger Robert Stacy McCain broke the news:

Just confirmed that Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava has quit the race. Speaking to supporters, Scozzafava broke down in tears.

UPDATE: Scozzafava, the hand-picked choice of the New York state GOP in the key 23rd District special election, reportedly will throw her support to Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman.

Scozzafava’s withdrawal came shortly after a new Siena College poll was released this morning, showing her in third place, with Hoffman neck-and-neck with Democrat Bill Owens.

This is confirmed by the Watertown Daily News:

Dede Scozzafava, the Republican and Independence parties candidate, announced Saturday that she is suspending her campaign for the 23rd Congressional District and releasing all her supporters.

The state Assemblywoman has not thrown her support to either Doug Hoffman, the Conservative Party candidate, or Bill Owens, the Democratic candidate.

“Today, I again seek to act for the good of our community,” Ms. Scozzafava wrote in a letter to friends and supporters. “It is increasingly clear that pressure is mounting on many of my supporters to shift their support. Consequently, I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so. I am and have always been a proud Republican. It is my hope that with my actions today, my party will emerge stronger and our district and our nation can take an important step towards restoring the enduring strength and economic prosperity that has defined us for generations.”

Ms. Scozzafava told the Watertown Daily Times that Siena Research Institute poll numbers show her too far behind to catch up – and she lacks enough money to spend on advertising in the last three days to make a difference. Mr. Owens has support from 36 percent of likely voters in the poll, with Mr. Hoffman garnering 35 percent support. Ms. Scozzafava has support from 20 percent of those polled.

Now there are some bloggers who are saying that Scozzafava threw her support behind Doug Hoffman. As it is stated above; that simply is not true.  Dede released her people to support whomever they wish; big difference there.

Ali Akbar (!) has the farewell or “I’m such a damned loser, that I am quitting” statement:

Dear Friends and Supporters:

Throughout the course of my campaign for Congress, I have made the people of the 23rd District and the issues that affect them the focal point of my campaign. As a life long resident of this District, I care deeply and passionately about its people and our way of life. Whether as a candidate for Congress, a State Assemblywoman or a small town Mayor, I have always sought to act with the best interest of our District and its residents in mind—and today I again seek to act for the good of our community.

The opportunity to run as the Republican and Independence Party candidate to represent the 23rd District has been and remains one of the greatest honors of my life. During the past several months, as I’ve traveled the district, meeting and talking with voters about the issues that matter most to them, I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of support I’ve received as I sought to serve as their voice in Washington. However, as Winston Churchill once said, Democracy can be a fickle employer, and the road to public office is not always a smooth one.

In recent days, polls have indicated that my chances of winning this election are not as strong as we would like them to be. The reality that I’ve come to accept is that in today’s political arena, you must be able to back up your message with money—and as I’ve been outspent on both sides, I’ve been unable to effectively address many of the charges that have been made about my record. But as I’ve said from the start of this campaign, this election is not about me, it’s about the people of this District. And, as always, today I will do what I believe serves their interests best.

It is increasingly clear that pressure is mounting on many of my supporters to shift their support. Consequently, I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so. I am and have always been a proud Republican. It is my hope that with my actions today, my Party will emerge stronger and our District and our nation can take an important step towards restoring the enduring strength and economic prosperity that has defined us for generations.

On Election Day my name will appear on the ballot, but victory is unlikely. To those who support me – and to those who choose not to – I offer my sincerest thanks.


See ya RINO!

and Besides:

Seriously, Who the hell would want some ugly ass looking dyke looking hoe like that in Congress anyhow? I mean, she even looks like Hillary! Except much Uglier!
Fugly and a loser! What a Combo!

Now would be a good time to head over to Doug Hoffman’s site and give big!

Related headlines:

Josh Kraushaar / Scorecard’s Blog: BREAKING: Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign

Ed Morrissey / Hot Air: Breaking: Scozzafava quits after Siena poll; Update: Hoffman campaign asking for endorsement?

Robert Stacy McCain / The Other McCain: NY23: SCOZZAFAVA QUITS!  UPDATE: New poll shows Hoffman in dead heat with Democrat Owens

Jude Seymour / Watertown Daily Times: SCOZZAFAVA SUSPENDS CAMPAIGN

Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Politics Channel:NEW! Dede Drops Out!

Paul Volpe / The Fix:10 minutes ago Scozzafava drops out of NY-23 special election

Andy Barr / The Politico: Steele: Hoffman win is a GOP win

Michelle Malkin: Radical leftist GOP candidate Dede Scozzafava quits

Real American Bloggers on the story: Betsy’s Page, QandO, Macsmind,, Outside The Beltway, Daily Pundit, Weekly Standard,, and The Other McCain, , Erick’s Dump DedeSister Toldjah, Left Coast Rebel, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Weasel Zippers and JammieWearingFool

Commies, America-haters, Socialists, Leftest Turds, and Democrats: (I’m being redundant, I know…) The Hill, Washington WireDaily Kos, The Daily Politics, Taegan Goddard’s …, TPMDCBelow The Beltway, PoliBlog, Campaign Trail, AMERICAblog News, The Hill, The Politico, The Moderate Voice, Swing State Project, The Washington Independent and