Uh, These people do not speak for me!

Never thought I’d be doing this, as a Conservative Blogger…..

But hats off to Amanda Terkel over at think progress for reporting on this:

Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group that goes around the country staging anti-gay rallies at some of the most inappropriate places (e.g. the funerals of former White House press secretary Tony Snow, victims of the Minneapolis bridge collapse, and U.S. troops) with messages like “Thank God For AIDS” and “God Hates Fags.”

This week, they’re bringing their hateful message to children in Washington, DC, planning pickets at a handful of local schools. This morning, they showed up outside of Sidwell Friends, the school that Sasha and Malia Obama attend.

via Think Progress » Westboro Baptist Church Organizes Homophobic Anti-Obama Protest Outside Sasha And Malia’s School.

I just want to say; as a Christian, as a Baptist; albeit not a very good one, but I digress — that these hate-mongering bastards DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME or ANY OTHER BAPTISTS THAT I KNOW!

One of the horrific parts of our first amendment is that it protects people like this and the idiots that I posted a video about earlier. Believe me, as a Conservative, the last thing I ever would want to do is take anyone’s rights to free speech away. But, this stuff right here grinds me to my core. Because the casual person thinks that ALL Christians and Baptists think this way; and I tell you it is not true at all. The truth is, Fred Phelps is addicted to HATE, his own estranged son said this.

The truth is, that all sane rational Christians who are not ate up with Hate or otherwise; believe that God Hates Sin, but loves the sinner. That is the mainstream Christian belief and has been since the days of apostles. These so-called “Baptist Christians” use an Christian belief system called “Calvinism” and a belief system called “Absolute Predestination” to justify their actions. Which is, of course, wrong. Not all Calvinists accept that belief system, further more most Calvinists believe that Fred Phelps and Crew; are nucking futs!

Anyhow, just my two cents…..