Mao-Worshiping communist Anita Dunn to step down at end of the month

This little tip comes via Amanda Carpenter on Twitter:

White House communications director Anita Dunn will step down from her post at the end of the month and Dan Pfeiffer, her deputy, will take over, according to sources familiar with the move.

Dunn, a longtime Democratic media consultant, took over the job on an interim basis earlier this year when Ellen Moran abruptly left the post to take a job at the Commerce Department. Dunn will remain as a consultant to the White House on the communications and strategic ends.

via The Fix – Dunn leaving White House, Pfeiffer takes over.

From what I read she will be staying on as an consultant on the outside. But at least she is out of the White House. Of course, she will be close to the White House and the Administration; so, I do not think that we should remove her totally from the radar screen. What is more important is the fact that President Obama has surrounded himself with this sort of people; straight up Marxists who hate this Country and it’s founding principles. That alone should be enough to alarm anyone. But we do not live in society anymore; where people actually care about whom or what surrounds our President. We just elect them and then go back to our normal lives.

This is not to say that President George W. Bush was any better; Bush surrounded himself with yes men and with warmongering Wilsonian Conservatives — Commonly known as Neo-Conservatives. These people urged President Bush to go to war with a Country that had zero to do directly with 9/11. They proceeded to basically drive his Presidency square into the ground. When it was over with, the Nation, including Conservatives; just wanted him out.

That is the problem with a Country such as ours; the office of the Presidency is a difficult one to fill. Because there are two types of leaders; those who surround themselves with people who will tell them the things that they want to hear and those who surround themselves with people that tell them the things that they NEED to hear. Unfortunately, this President and the one before him have chosen the latter of those to types of people —- and we are a worse off Nation because of it too.