Andrew Sullivan's Political Masturbation

Good God this man is so far into the tank; it is sickening:

Obama’s position – almost a year into his presidency – is yet to be revealed. The president waits, prods, allows the parties to reveal their hands, and keeps his final detailed position to himself. By allowing the debate to continue in public, he also tries to get the public more, rather than less, involved. So we too get to show our hand as the debate continues. And the polls show Americans pretty evenly – and understandably – divided on the excruciating and ultimately prudential question of what to do next.

What strikes me about this is the enormous self-confidence this reveals. Here is a young president, prepared to allow himself to be portrayed as “weak” or “dithering” in the slow and meticulous arrival at public policy. He is trusting the reality to help expose what we need to do. He is allowing the debate – however messy and confusing and emotional – to take its time and reveal the real choices in front of us. This is politically risky, of course. Those who treat politics as a contact-sport, whose insistence is on the “game” of who wins which news cycle, or who can spin each moment in a political storm as a harbinger of whatever, will pounce and shriek and try to bounce the president into a decision. And those who believe that what matters in war is charging ahead regardless at all times will also grandstand against the president’s insistence on prudence.

via We Have A President – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan.

Good Lord. Get this man a bottle of baby oil, a warm room and a towel.  If that isn’t a gay crush on a black man; I do not know what is.

Dan over Riehl World View cracks:

Sullivan is so far down in the tank, there can’t be any oxygen down there. Maybe that explains his posts for the last year, or so.

Quite true. Quite true indeed. Conservative? Yeah, right!