I’m Back

Yes, I am back. You did not think I would stay gone for long did you? I just needed to take break from things for a bit. There are a few things, which I really need to make clear and get out into the open.

  1. Women are off limits now:  There will be no more stupid jokes about women or offensive stuff towards woman on this blog anymore. I will keep up what I did post on the blog. Because removing stuff is quite cowardly, except in some extreme cases. However, as of right now, I will not be doing that anymore. I guess I will have to remember that not everyone appreciates my politically incorrect snarky writings and dark humor. For the record, I am not a misogynistic piece of dung, as I so called by so-called “Conservative Lesbian” who obviously lacks a sense of humor. If I truly were, I would not be living were I am now. As my Mom would have none of that. For what it is worth; my Mom voted for Obama and has voted Democrat except when she voted for Reagan. I am very much against political correctness and the very idiotic feminist movement in this country — Because it is an out branch of the liberal mindset. However, I believe I have may have distanced some friends of mine in my quest to stick my finger in the eye of those feminists. I apologize to those that I may have offended; however, I will never apologize for my feelings about the feminist movement and the idiotic political ideology that it comes from.
  2. This blog, nor its author carry water for ANY political party, person, or opinion: Before I get some liberal come by here and say, “What about this here that you wrote?” I wrote what I wrote about Mike Bouchard, because I and many other Michigan residents; both Republican and Democrat know that the Democrats way of handling this recession has been a disaster for this State. I have known this, since the first state recession hit back in 2000; when I was laid off from my job back then, I knew something was horribly wrong and I knew then that the Democrats were causing it. The whole idea that Bush caused the Michigan recession is lie that was perpetuated by the Democrats, because of their inability to take responsibility for their own actions; like NAFTA. Because of this, our State here is in an economic free fall. When it comes to state politics, I do like to vote the principles over the party of the said candidate and right now Mike Bouchard is, as far as I am concerned, the man that Michigan needs for a full-scale economic recovery. Having said all of that, I wish to submit that I do not carry water for either of these political parties. I will explain this in my next point.
  3. Sarah Palin and Me: The reason I got a bit miffed earlier, is that I felt that the Conservative media and blogosphere were in full on stupid mode about Palin. Because of this, I ended tearing into a good friend of mine; and I feel horrible about that. Robert Stacy McCain is just as much entitled to his opinion of Sarah Palin; as I am or Ron Dreher is. I should not have went after McCain like that, I apologize to him publically and to you my readers. I should not have taken the slam of Dreher personally, as I sure that he did not at all. I will be upfront about it; I just do not believe that Sarah Palin is qualified to be President of the United States, at all. Nor will she ever be, in my opinion. I will not support her, if she runs. I will not carry water for her, at all —-There are plenty of blogs and websites that will do that; this will not be one of them. Fiscally, I am quite the Conservative; being in a bankruptcy will do that to a person, so will getting older too, and I feel that Palin’s mushy populism is just that, mushy populism and is not nearly as Conservative, as I would want someone to be, who was going to be in the White House. Another reason I do not much care for her, is that I am more of a libertarian, when it comes to social issues. Just because I do not agree with a particular social item, does not mean I think it is my right to persecute those that do. That my friend is what “Social Conservatism” does. My Conservatism on social matters is more of the “Ron Paul” stripe, honestly, the only thing that scares me worse that the far socialist left is the far religious right. The late Senator Barry Goldwater did not like them, and I am not a big fan either; I cannot support a style of Government that the far religious right wants that is on par with Nazi Fascism, and that is what, I feel, Sarah Palin embodies. For this reason, I would not be compelled to support Sarah Palin if she should decide to run for President. While I am a Born Again Christian; I do not believe that one should mix their personal religious beliefs with their politics, that is a dangerous thing to do and it has caused this Nation an enormous amount of grief in the past 20 years. Like it or not, or mixing of our religious views and our politics is what caused the 9/11 attacks.

In closing, I hope this little editorial has help some of you understand me better and where it is, that I am coming from. By the way, I am glad to see that I am not the only one who is taking the heat. It looks like AllahPundit is making new friends too. But at least, he is not knocking the tent down, like this here:
