Why Rep. Virginia Foxx has to go, come 2010

This comes via Think Progress:


CARDOZA: Today, what I’m hearing on the floor really takes the cake. The gentlelady from North Carolina, in her statement just now, indicated that the Republican GOP had passed the Civil Rights Act legislation with almost no help from the Democrats. I can’t believe my ears. It was the Kennedy and Johnson administration where we passed that Great Society legislation. It was over the objections of people like Jesse Helms from the gentlewoman’s state that we passed that civil rights legislation. John Lewis…

FOXX: Would, would the gentleman yield?

CARDOZA: No, I will not yield. John Lewis, a member of this House, was beaten on the Edmund Pettus bridge to get that civil rights legislation passed. Tell John Lewis that he wasn’t part of getting that legislation passed.

When she was given a chance to respond, Foxx could only say that Jesse Helms wasn’t elected to the Senate until 1972.

I hate to admit it; but he is right, the Republican Party was against the civil rights act. That is because of the constitutionality of that act. That is why Berry Goldwater opposed it. That is why the Democrats who crossed over and became known as the “Neo-Conservatives” crossed over. Because of the 1960’s social upheaval in the country. Rep. Virgina Foxx was engaging in revisionist history and got caught; plain and simple. She needs to go; she is not doing the Republican any good at all.