According to Rasmussen, John McCain's Money is not going to buy 2010 election

Like it has bought the rest of them….

Senator John McCain’s future in the U.S. Senate may be a little less assured than previously thought.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely 2010 Republican Primary voters in Arizona finds the longtime incumbent in a virtual tie with potential challenger J.D. Hayworth. McCain earns 45% of the vote, while Hayworth picks up 43%.

Former Minuteman leader Chris Simcox gets four percent (4%) support, while two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate and seven percent (7%) are undecided.

Hayworth, a conservative former U.S. congressman who now is a popular radio talk show host in Phoenix, is reportedly interested in the race but has not formally declared for it. He captures 59% of the male GOP vote, while McCain wins 58% of female voters.

Younger GOP voters like Hayworth more than their elders. McCain has a solid lead among the relatively small number of moderate and liberal Republicans in the state while Hayworth picks up a plurality (48%) of conservatives.

via Election 2010: Arizona Senate GOP Primary – Rasmussen Reports™.

I hate to be the one to say it; But, I am glad as hell that John McCain is going to get his tail kicked in the primary. The Late Senator Barry Goldwater hated this man’s guts till the day he died. Goldwater saw McCain as a made man; who got in on his family’s name. Here is hoping that Hayworth runs and defeats this RINO once and for all!