What I am Thankful for this Thanksgiving

First off, as I wrote here in this posting; I would like to wish ALL of my readers, Friend or Foe, a very Happy Thanksgiving!

First though, let’s see what others are thankful for this Thanksgiving: (H/T to R.S. McCain)

This is what I am thankful for this wonderful Thanksgiving. For starters, I am extremely thankful for my family, specifically my Mother and my Father. My parents have been the best example of Christian parents that a son could ever ask for. My parents could, and sometimes I often think that they should have, thrown my sorry butt to the wolves long ago. However, they are just those kinds of parents who like to see their son succeed that whatever he is doing. I am thankful for my mother who, while I was living a rebellious lifestyle and doing the things that a Christian young man is not supposed to do, like drinking heavily and smoking pot — and other such stuff that I do not dare print here — did not give up on me and prayed for me continually. I am quite happy to report; that her prayers finally made to Heaven and I got my sorry butt straightened out in 1996 and rededicated my life to Jesus Christ.

Which brings me to my second thing that I am extremely grateful for; I am ever so very humbly grateful for the Saving Grace, which only comes from trusting Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord. (Yes, I still spell it as Saviour.) I am very thankful for the day, when I, as a nine-year-old boy, heard about the coming tribulation; decided that I did not want to be a part of that, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord. My name was placed in the Lambs book of Life and is recorded in Heaven for all eternity and no man here on this earth, can steal that away from me. I will be the very first to admit it, that I do not always act like a Christian and I have been known to say and do things that are not becoming of a Born-Again Christian man. However, it is not about what I do on this earth, it is about what Jesus Christ did on that cross 2000 years ago, that matters. As everyone who is truly saved knows, we Christians are not perfect —- Just forgiven.

Thirdly, I am extremely grateful for the fact that I live in a free Republic, where someone like me, can pursue a dream of being one’s own boss. Where someone like me, can write and express one’s feelings about the politics of the day, without the fear of being tossed in jail for it. Where someone like me, a high school dropout, can own a laptop, write on a blog and be able to make money doing it; that my friends is capitalism at it’s finest, and I am extremely grateful that I have that freedom do so.

Fourthly, I am extremely grateful for my readers here at politicalbyline.com. I am also humbled and extremely thanks for those of you, who have donated to this little endeavor of mine. I do not ever sit and harp on my lack of donations; if I happen to get one, I thank the person that does give. However, unlike some bloggers, I do not beg for money. I vowed that I would never act like a Democrat and beg for donations. If the Lord happened to impress on someone to give, then fine, I would not refuse it. However, begging is just something I will not, and cannot do. I am also thankful for people, like Robert Stacy McCain for allowing me to advertise over on his blog, that sir was a Godsend, and I will be possibly again here in the no-so-distant future. Just as well, I am thankful for AllahPundit and Ed Morrissey over at HotAir.com for allowing me the privilege to link to their blog without any hassle; even though, at times, I do not agree with Ed, I still consider him a friend. AP and Ed both knew my blogging history and my political history, but still, they chose to accept me and take my word for it, that my political views had changed; which is more than I can say for a few other people.

Finally, I am thankful for the fact that we can celebrate Holidays like thanksgiving, that the left has totally distorted and obscured the meaning of; here is a nice little tract, by a Christian cartoonist that I happen to admire. Please, read it and enjoy:

As for me, I am going to take the reminder of this day off, get away from this laptop, watch a little TV and about 6:00 or so, I am going to put the turkey in the oven and heat up the trimmings. Again, my friends, I want to wish you all a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving Holiday Season and I will see you all tomorrow, same time, same station and we’ll get back to fighting socialism tomorrow, but for now, lets all stop, pause and enjoy a great Christian Holiday.

Update: I showed this to my Mom. She very kindly informed me of some things, that I feel I should point out. Not that I have to, but, because I respect her greatly; I will do so:

  1. I never drank or smoked any pot or anything else in her house.
  2. I never came home “falling down” drunk. (Her words, not mine) Although, I did come home slightly “lit” one night and she royally chewed me out for it. She yelled and I yelled back, I think… That only happened once and I doubt she even remembers it. I barely remember that myself. (Must have been a good night! 😀 )
  3. My Mother wishes to inform you all, that I was not nearly as bad as some that she’s heard about. (You wouldn’t think she’s biased much, do you? 🙄 😉 😀 😛 )