Was the Election in Honduras a referendum on Socialism?

The question that many are asking today; is what this election actually means, or what it is to the people of Honduras and more broadly, the rest of the world — The answer is quite apparent and could be a bit painful, not to mention a foreshadow of the things to come here in America.

Via The Wall Street Journal:

Unless something monumental happens in the Western Hemisphere in the next 31 days, the big regional story for 2009 will be how tiny Honduras managed to beat back the colonial aspirations of its most powerful neighbors and preserve its constitution.

Yesterday’s elections for president and Congress, held as scheduled and without incident, were the crowning achievement of that struggle.

National Party candidate Porfirio Lobo was the favorite to win in pre-election polls. Yet the name of the victor is almost beside the point. The completion of these elections is a national triumph in itself and a win for all people who yearn for liberty.

The fact that the U.S. has said it will recognize their legitimacy shows that this reality eventually made its way to the White House. If not Hugo Chávez’s Waterloo, Honduras’s stand at least marks a major setback for the Venezuelan strongman’s expansionist agenda.

The losers in this drama also include Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Spain, which all did their level best to block the election. Egged on by their zeal, militants inside Honduras took to exploding small bombs around the country in the weeks leading to the vote. They hoped that terror might damp turnout and delegitimize the process. They failed. Yesterday’s civic participation appeared to be at least as good as it was in the last presidential election. Some polling stations reportedly even ran short, for a time, of the indelible ink used to mark voter pinkies.

The elections in Honduras were, in fact, an extremely large poke in the eye to the socialist movement of the World. The message is clear; Freedom is popular. Freedom is a God-Given right for all of humankind; and Governmental control is an aversion to this concept. The people of Honduras knew the type of Government that Venezuela has and knew that the people of Venezuela are not truly free and did not want it in their Country. This is to be commended and shows that the people of Honduras still have a backbone.

The more broad scope is this; our tepid and incompetent President, Barack H. Obama did not have the guts to stand up for Freedom of the people. This was evidenced by his handling of the situation of Honduras and the civil uprising in Iran. This is because Democrats totally despise total and unfettered Freedom of the people; in favor of a big Government socialist society — President Barack Obama actions in both of these recent situations are an embodiment of this mentality.

My hat goes off to the people of Honduras and I pray God’s blessings upon them, as they return to a Government of Freedom and I pray for the safety of those people from the evil menacing socialists, who would give anything to overthrow that Government. I also pray God’s Protection from the evil dictator in Venezuela, who wants nothing more than to destroy the Freedom of the people of Honduras.

President Barack Obama should take note and see that Socialism is become quite unpopular — everywhere.

Others:  Fausta’s Blog, Gateway Pundit, Commentary, Right Wing Nut House, QandO, , Wake up America, Hot Air, and Atlas Shrugs