Changes here at

As promised last night, here is the “Special Comment” type of article that I have wanted to write for a while to all of my readers.

This is possibly one of the hardest of articles, which I have ever had to write in my entire life — much less in my time since becoming a political blogger and commentator. Nevertheless, because I do believe in total and transparent honesty, I must not be lack in being forthright with you all.

First, let me say that I have never written dishonestly on this blog, ever. I have written what I felt was the truth in all of my writings here in this blog. However, what I have done is taken my true feelings on a subject and turned up the intensity level to eleven on the amplifier scale. (I hope someone gets that rather humorous reference.) When I first stated writing as a “Right of Center” Blogger, that sort of writing was extremely fun, and I thought to be what I enjoyed doing as a political writer. However, here as of late, I have been seeing some very disturbing trends in the Right Wing Blogosphere and in the Conservative media; that I am just not very comfortable being associated.

When I first started after the hacking of my previous Blog, which was at, I started this blog on the premise that neither of these political parties were political or moral absolutes and I still feel that way now. Yes, my friends, I am a truly a moderate Conservative and I make no apologies for that, at all. What disturbs my greatly at the moment, is that the very word “moderate” within the continuum of the school of Conservatism, is basically a death-keel to anyone who disagrees with the far left. I find this fact to be extremely troubling. I just cannot find it with my realm of reasoning to understand why, if someone like me does not subscribe to some of the more extremist rhetoric emanating from the far right, that somehow I am not considered a bona fide Conservative.

Having said all of the above; let me also say this, my philosophy towards those on the right that I disagree with is this — Do no harm. What I mean by this that is this — even though I do not agree with those, that I have put into my sections called “To the right of me” and “To the Left of Me.” I will not be a thorn in their side, because I happen to believe; that everyone is entitled to their opinions, when it comes to Conservative politics. I might blog on the fact that I disagree with their politics, but it will be a fair and non-personal assessment as to why. I did not start this blog to engage in Blog wars with anyone, of any political stripe. I simply started this blog to give my take on the political events of the day. I also created it to be a direct challenge to those of the far left and their socialist mentality; of which why I switched sides and dropped this idea that I was some sort of a populist. Because I just cannot side with idea that Government is the ultimate solution to the Nation’s problems. Historically, The Democratic Party and the People’s Party that sprung out from it, was a populist movement, which was based the idea on what was for the good of the American people. The problem was that the far left socialists overthrew the Democratic Party and turned that party into a big Government socialist party. Therefore, in essence the Democratic Party became a part “of the people” to a party “of the Government.” That is why I decided to stop supporting and voting for them.

Therefore, this is how things are going to change at this blog. First, I am going to write from a more honest approach. No more seeing what other people, who are Conservatives, and then writing from that standpoint. From here on out, I will be writing how I feel about a subject and that alone — no matter the consequence. Second, you will notice that I did add a blog roll category, and changed one. I have added a “Left of Me” Blog roll, which I do intend to fill will sane voices of those who are to the left of me politically. I also added a category of those who are to right of me politically. This is not to be considered a bad thing at all; this list is just a category of those who I consider to be politically further to the right or left of me. I will be also adding other categories as well; so to distinguish Websites from Blogs.

From here on out, I hope this blog to be less about extremism and talking points and a bit more intelligent and intellectually honest. I want this blog to be a bit less Sean Hannity and a bit more like me or a bit less like Michael Savage, and bit more like me.

I hope that my readers will understand where it is that I am coming from and I hope to keep you all informed and give you all my totally honest, unvarnished opinion on the political events and politics of the day. Because the last thing I ever want to be is accused of “Carrying Water” for a particular party or political group. Because that is not what I intend to be or do for anyone.

As for my Conservatism and what type that I represent, I am fiscally a Conservative. As for my social stance, I tend to lean more to the libertarians. I say this because I find much of the philosophy of the Christian far right to be Nazi-in-nature. I am a Christian and I do have a set of morals that I try to abide by, however I am not particularly interested in forcing my personal morals down the throats of those who do not agree with mine.  As for one’s sexual preference, I do not care what or whom you have sex with behind closed doors. Because of my personal convictions, I do not endorse the Gay lifestyle. However, I will defend your right to do what you wish in the privacy of your own home. Anyone that does anything other than that is a damned religious extremist and they will not have my support. However, because I am a federalist, I believe that gay marriage should ALWAYS be an issue for the states to decide and not an issue for the Federal Government ever.

In closing, that you all understand where I am coming from. I felt the need to write this, after reading some of the sillier nonsense that I had been reading on some blogs. I felt the need to let people know what I was feeling and that I needed to change the way this blog was being presented to the masses. Hence the theme change and now, there will be a change in the tone here. I hope that I will not lose any readers and hope to gain some as well.

Thanks for reading,
